For developers, there are two testing methods available: unit testing and integration testing.
The following command line can list all targets. Targets ending with _test
are C++ unit tests.
$ xmake show -l targets
path_test ntuple_test fast_search_test
base64_test blackbox_test hashset_test
tm_timer_test string_test fast_alloc_test
promise_test liblolly array_test
url_test sys_utils_test hashmap_test
curl_test iterator_test hashfunc_test
hashtree_test tm_ostream_test list_test
modification_test parse_string_test generic_tree_test
analyze_test rel_hashmap_test tree_test
As shown above, unit tests are in the format of xxx_test. You can run the following command to perform the tests (ensure you have built the code beforehand, see xmake for details):
Run only one test:
xmake run xxx_test
bin\test_only.bat xxx_test # on Windows
bin/test_only xxx_test # on Linux/macOS
Run all tests:
xmake run --group=tests