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GLAssetGridViewController is an asset view controller, like an picture picker and video picker , also has an browser .

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GLAssetGridViewController 是一个资源视图控制器,例如相片选择器,适配选择器。同时也包含了一个图片浏览器和视频浏览器。

GLAssetGridViewController is an asset view controller, like an picture picker and video picker , also has an photo browser & video browser .

Here is an project where i use it . Project:666

Example (例子)


To run the example project, clone the repo and build the project. Examples are available for Objective-C project.

Installation (安装)

GLAssetGridViewController 适用于图片选择器,视频选择器。

GLAssetGridViewController is use for photo picker , video picker .

GLAssetAssetViewBrowser 适用于图片浏览器,视频浏览器 (进行中)。

GLAssetAssetViewBrowser is use for photo browser, video browser (ing) .

它们暂时不支持cocopods。你可以克隆仓库,添加 GLAssetGridViewController.h GLAssetGridViewController.m 到你的工程中用于图片选择器,视频选择器, 添加 GLAssetViewBrowser.h GLAssetViewBrowser.m 用于图片浏览器。

Now they are not available through cocoapods now. you can clone the repo and add GLAssetGridViewController.h GLAssetGridViewController.m to your project for photo picker,add GLAssetViewBrowser.h GLAssetViewBrowser.m to your project for photo browser.



Beacuse it is not an public common control, you need to verify the code as you need.

使用 GLAssetGridViewController,需要创建一个GLAssetGridViewController的实例,根据你的需要设置PickerType (GLAssetGridType_Picture,GLAssetGridType_Video)。

To Use GLAssetGridViewController, just create an instance of GLAssetGridViewController,and set the pickerType (GLAssetGridType_Picture,GLAssetGridType_Video) as you need.

使用GLAssetViewBrowser,需要创建一个GLAssetViewBrowser的实例,然后实现以下数据源: To Use GLAssetViewBrowser, just create and instance of GLAssetViewBrowser,and implement the datasource below:

Here return the numberOfItems in the asset view controller
- (NSUInteger)numberOfItemsInGLAssetViewController:(GLAssetViewBrowser *)assetViewController;
Here return the image for item in the asset view controller
- (UIImage *)imageForItemInGLAssetViewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex;
Here asynce return the image for item in the asset view controller
- (void)asyncImageForItemInGLAssetViewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex imageAsyncCallback:(GLAssetViewImageAsyncCallback)callback;

Page View Controller Enhancements

For the GLAssetGridViewController:

When you pick asset callback, you can transfer info as your need. here i use dictionary as param.
- (void)glAssetGridViewController:(id)sender didPickAssets:(NSMutableDictionary *)dictionary;

For the GLAssetViewBrowser:

When you click on item callback,here return the itemIndex you click.
- (void)glAssetViewController:(id)sender didClickOnItemAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex;
When browser dismiss, it need to perform dismiss transitions which animate frame to origin rect, here return the image rect for it. 
- (CGRect)imageRectForItemInGLAssetViewControllerAtIndex:(NSUInteger)itemIndex;


Wait ...


Supports iOS 9 and above. (Here i use Photos.framework).


Xu Yanci

Mail: XuYanci


GLAssetGridViewController is an asset view controller, like an picture picker and video picker , also has an browser .






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