A predictive model of the turbulent burning velocity for planar and Bunsen flames over a wide range of conditions
Model predictions on turbulent burning velocity of lean hydrogen flames at different pressures, with DNS data from Lu & Yang, 2021
Validation cases:
Model predictions for the 490 cases:
pyutils a package including interfaces for I/O, plot, and cantera
cantera, matplotlib, numpy, scipy
Please check the /examples folder for two cases of hydrogen and methane, comparing between model predictions and DNS results.
- run driver_counterflow.py to get the laminar flame solutions for laminar flame parameters and stretch factor tabulation
- run run_model_st.py/run_model_UQ_para.py to get the model predictions and comparisons with data, you can also check the .ipynb file for notebook.
Note: The first run will take some time to do the laminar flame simulations and tabulation for a new condition. It depends on the fuel and mechanism employed. Then the necessary data are stored in laminar_info.npz and stretch_factor_table.npy files. Later calls of the model only take negligible time to do algebraic calculations.
Zhen Lu and Yue Yang, Modeling pressure effects on the turbulent burning velocity for lean hydrogen/air premixed combustion, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38, 2901-2908, 2021. arXiv PCI
Zhen Lu and Yue Yang, Modeling of the turbulent burning velocity for planar and Bunsen flames over a wide range of conditions, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 38, 121504, 2022. arXiv AMS