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File Overview

Yachtman25 edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 8 revisions



1. pand_initial.aiml: Pandorabots essential setup file

2. pand-learn.aiml: Training file; source of most of James' social knowledge and some general knowledge.

3. properties.aiml: Pandorabots essential bot properties file

4. wildcards.aiml: Database of input capture strings

5. sets_and_maps.aiml: Callback file for sets and maps

6. binary.aiml: Program for translating to/from binary

7. warnings.aiml: Anti-profanity program

8. whatday_usa.aiml: Database for historical information per day of the year

9. xsearch.aiml: Program for internet searches

10. copyme.aiml: Entertainment program; allows James to copy the last input as an output, repeatedly, until the user inputs "Stop copying me" twice.

11. currency.aiml: Currency information database

12. howmany.aiml: Entertainment program; allows James to calculate numerical values based on real-world questions

13. date.aiml: Allows James to tell the current date

14. time.aiml: Allows James to tell the current time (Beta)

15. email: Allows James to send emails with custom subjects

16. emotions.aiml: Allows James to distinguish between several different emotions

17. computers.aiml: Database of computer technology information

18. science.aiml: Database of scientific information

19. response.aiml: Allows James to repeat his last output

20. request.aiml: Allows James to repeat his last input

21. christmas.aiml: Allows James to calculate the amount of days until Christmas

22. predicates.aiml: Callback file for user predicates

23. jokes.aiml: Allows James to tell jokes

24. knowledge.aiml: Database of general knowledge

25. dictionary.aiml: Allows James to define words

26. math.aiml: Allows James to calculate simple arithmetic equations


1. states.set: Database of US state names

2. names.set: Database of common names

3. greetings.set: Database of common greetings

4. colors.set: Database of colors

5. activities.set: Database of activities


1. Connects US states to their capitals

2. Connects contacts to their contact information

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