A distributed computing framework for MODIS satellite imagery high-level products processing
With the various types of actual ET models being developed in the last 20 years, it becomes necessary to inter-compare methods. Most of already published ETa models comparisons address few number of models, and small to medium areas (Chemin et al., 2010; Gao & Long, 2008; García et al., 2007; Suleiman et al., 2008; Timmermans et al., 2007). With the large amount of remote sensing data covering the Earth, and the daily information available for the past ten years (i.e. Aqua/Terra-MODIS) for each pixel location, it becomes paramount to have a more complete comparison, in space and time.
To address this new experimental requirement, a distributed computing framework was designed, and created. The design architecture was built from original satellite datasets to various levels of processing until reaching the requirement of various ETa models input dataset. Each input product is computed once and reused in all ETa models requiring such input. This permits standardization of inputs as much as possible to zero-in variations of models to the models internals/specificities.
Practically, MODIS datasets are grouped by products and by day and batch processed each in one core of the computer in parallel. This involves format changing, merging tiles, reprojecting, renaming outputs according to the nomenclature of the processing system. The tools involved in that step are either standard Linux Shell tools, either part of GDAL (2011) standard tools (i.e. gdalwarp and gdal_translate). Both of these tools are still essentially sequential programs at this time, thus, they are being sent to each core in a distributed manner through the Shell with a check loop to ensure that there is at all time the same number of programs running as there are cores/threads available in the CPU architecture. It becomes clear that for each new leap in number of cores in future commercial offerings, the framework will automatically increase its processing capacity to the new enlarged number of cores/threads available, thus also reducing by the same factor the time needed to process a given number of satellite images.
Models that are already inside the framework account to SSEB from Senay et al. (2007), METRIC from Allen et al. (2007), SEBAL from Bastiaanssen et al. (1998) using the work from Alexandridis et al. (2009), in progress are SEBS from Su (2002) and TSEB from both Kustas & Norman (1999) and Norman et al. (1995).
Reference ET models included are Allen et al. (1998) from Cannata (2006), Priestley and Taylor (Priestley & Taylor, 1972) and Hargreaves (Hargreaves et al., 1985), Modified Hargreaves (Droogers & Allen, 2002), Hargreaves-Samani (Hargreaves & Samani, 1985). Only the reference ET from Allen et al. (1998) is being used as a precursor of SSEB (Senay et al., 2007) and METRIC (Allen et al., 2007) actual ET. It was found preponderant to have a minimum group of reference ET models available as baseline for all the work, especially when looking into geographical areas where meteorological data has always been dominant in agricultural literature.
Some models requiring operator intervention (SEBAL, METRIC) have add there internals modified with specially designed heuristics acting as operators. Initial developments were not looking into heuristics but stochastic algorithms. Some efforts using a genetic algorithm were eventually too expensive in processing time, while at the same time end-member selection information were becoming more common (Chandrapala & Wimalasuriya, 2003; Timmermans et al., 2007). Thus heuristics were designed and implemented on a regional basis, initially studied under the Greek conditions for the purpose of Alexandridis et al. (2009) and Chemin et al. (2010). Eventually, the heuristics are extended to fit data sources, continent/climate combinations and model types on an adhoc basis as new regions are included into the geographical scope of research.
In the case of SEBAL heuristic, the convergence reached 82% of the images processed for the Australian Murray-Darling Basin (1 Million Km2 ), enabling the automatic processing of 3635 MODIS multi-tiles images within a single day of computing. Fig. 3 is the output from SEBAL with such heuristic for some irrigated areas in Australia, the total area being processed amounts to more than 5 Billions pixels of ETa values, being multiplied by as many temporary rasters and original data as required for each of the ET models. The Australian irrigation system (less than 100,000 ha) has a sharp, contrasted and well-defined pattern of water depletion, characteristic of continental dry climate with high water supply control for defined periods of the year where crops are in the field.
Daily RS-based ETa (mm/day) in an Australian irrigation system (2000-2010)
Looking into the matter of comparing ETa results from different ETa models, Fig. 4 is the averaged ETa output from two models (SEBAL and SSEB) over the tropical island of Sri Lanka in 2003 and 2004. It turns out that the relatively small island of Sri Lanka has an average ETa that is changing much more on a day to day basis than our previous example in Australia. Scale, climate, topography yield exposure to ocean events frequently, having drastic impact on thermodynamics of the island surface as the Fig. 5 also confirms. Changes between models of actual ET from SEBAL and SSEB are relatively constant throughout the RS modeling period. Actual ET from SSEB is in the upper range of SEBAL’s one. The work of de Silva (1999) in the dry zone of Sri Lanka and the work of Hemakumara et al. (2003) in the wet zone of Sri Lanka are falling within the expected results found here. Likewise the average evaporative fractions found for Sri Lanka are especially leveraging the larger dry zone area of the island with value in the range of 0.3 to 0.5.
Daily ETa (mm/day) averages for Sri Lanka (2003-2004)
Challenges to experimentally compare ET models are immense, the theoretical points of comparison are sometimes clear, sometimes rather difficult to pinpoint. To try and address this situation, a framework for benchmarking ET actual models has been designed. Its implementation has embedded parallel data distribution at the base of each parts of the framework to remove the resistance of the data size to process large areas, high frequency and large time period with commonly available computers.
Future work includes the finalization of SEBS (Su, 2002) and TSEB (Kustas & Norman, 1999) integration in the framework, looking for other ETa model candidates to add to existing ones. Also there is a need for designing and creating statistical tools to cross-compare several depths and layers of ETa models processing datasets. Finally, the use of OpenMPI (OpenMPI, 2011) is envisaged for concurrently running several ET models diagnostics in different multi-core machines or OpenCL (Khronos.org, 2011) kernel-based data distributed language to process all analysis as one large computation on a Graphical Processing Unit (GPU).