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463 lines (334 loc) · 20.7 KB

Graph Pangenome

SNPs and InDels calling from HiFi reads

The 31 tomato accessions HiFi reads are mapped to SL5.0 using minimap and called variants using deepvariant.

cat sample.txt | parallel -j 10 'minimap2 -ax map-pb -a -k 19 -O 5,56 -E 4,1 -B 5 -z 400,50 -r 2k --eqx --secondary=no | samblaster -e | samtools sort - -@ 32  -o {}.bam
cat sample.txt | parallel -j 10 'sh {}.bam'

singularity exec \
  -B /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/06_snps/:/input \
  -B /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/06_snps/:/output \
 /public10/home/sci0011/soft/deepvariant-1.0.0.sif \
   --config DeepVariant \
  /opt/deepvariant/bin/run_deepvariant \
  --model_type=PACBIO \
  --ref=/input/SL5.fa \
  --reads=/input/$ID/${ID}.rm.bam \
  --output_vcf=/output/$ID/${ID}.vcf.gz \
  --output_gvcf=/output/$ID/${ID}.g.vcf.gz \
  --intermediate_results_dir=/output/deepvariant_tmp_output/$ID \
  --vcf_stats_report=false \

SNPs and InDels fillter

Retain site depth ranged from 400 to 1,500 using WGS

WGS --model file --type random --file graph31.vcf.gz --headLine 31 --r 0.005 --out random.vcf
WGS --model vcf --type calTotalDP --file random.vcf --out random.dep ## mean depth is 981.3
# R code
## dat = read.table("random.dep",head=F)
## hist(dat$V3,col=c("gray"),breaks=1000,xlim=c(0,2000),xlab="Total depth",main="")
WGS --model vcf --type depthFilterDP --minDepth 400 --maxDepth 1500 --file graph31.vcf.gz --out ../depth/graph31.dep.vcf 
zcat graph31.vcf.gz | head -n 30 > header

Retain site quality score more than 20

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/deepvariant/quality
cat ../depth/graph31.dep.vcf | awk '{n=split($0,a,"\t"); if (a[6] > 19) print $0}' > graph31.qual.vcf
## 16703129 out of 17642861 left (SNPs and InDels)

Keep indels size less than 50 bp

WGS --model vcf --type inDel_len --file ../quality/graph31.qual.vcf --maxLength 50 --out graph31.len.vcf

Keep biallelic sites

 cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/deepvariant/biallelic
 vcftools --vcf ../len/graph31.len.vcf --min-alleles 2 --max-alleles 2 --recode --recode-INFO-all --out graph31

Split variants vcf by chromosome

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/deepvariant/final
cat ../code/chr.txt | parallel -j 13 "WGS --model vcf --type splitByChr --chr {} --file ../biallelic/graph31.recode.vcf --out chr{}.vcf"

Transfer variants vcf to plink format

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/deepvariant/final
cat ../code/chr.txt | parallel -j1 'plink --vcf chr{}.vcf --make-bed --out chr{} --vcf-half-call m --memory 4600'
cat ../code/chr.txt | parallel -j1 "grep 'varaint'  chr{}.log | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'"
cat ../code/chr.txt | parallel -j12 "bgzip chr{}.vcf"

Caculate the accession heterozygousity

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/deepvariant/het
cat ../code/chr.txt | parallel -j1 'plink --bfile ../final/chr{} --het --out chr{}'

Structural variants (SVs) detection

To detect SVs using HiFi reads from the 31 accessions. We apply NGLMR mapping software and a total of four callers (Sniffles, SVIM, CuteSV, PBSV). The complete pipeline is packed in a SV_Snakfile. There is a small demo in 01_ccs_sv_pipeline.

  1. The input HiFi reads must named as {sample}.ccs.fa

    SAMPLE_INDEX = {"sampleA","sampleB"}

  2. Reference store INDEX_REF = "01_raw_data/ref/sv_refer.fa"

source /public/agis/huangsanwen_group/chenglin/softwares/miniconda3/bin/activate base
snakemake -s SV_Snakefile -j 2 --stats snakejob.stats >&2 2>>snakejob.log
  • workflow

    image-20220102154738977 Figure 1. The pipeline of SVs indentification.

Structure variants (SVs) filtering

We retain variants with a “pass” flag and read depth of at least three. Deletions ranging from 51 bp to 100 kb in length, and insertions ranging from 51 bp to 20 kb in length are retained by WGS

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/01_sniffles
## maxLength set 20000 for SV called from reads;
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type SVfilter_reads --maxLength 20000 --file {}.sniffles.vcf --out {}.filtered.vcf' 

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/02_cuteSV
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type SVfilter_reads --maxLength 20000 --file {}.cuteSV.vcf --out {}.filtered.vcf'

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/03_svim
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type SVfilter_reads --maxLength 20000 --file {}/variants.vcf --out {}/filtered.vcf'

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/04_pbsv
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type SVfilter_reads --maxLength 20000 --file {}/pbsv.vcf --out {}/filtered.vcf'

Detect SVs based on assembly methods

To detect SVs more than 100kb, we apply Assemblytics software

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/code
cat ID.txt | parallel '/public4/home/sc55932/soft/SURVIVOR/Debug/SURVIVOR bedtovcf ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.Assemblytics_structural_variants.bed DEL ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.DEL.vcf'

cat ID.txt | parallel '/public4/home/sc55932/soft/SURVIVOR/Debug/SURVIVOR bedtovcf ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.Assemblytics_structural_variants.bed INS ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.INS.vcf'

cat ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type bed2vcf --file ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.Assemblytics_structural_variants.bed --file2 /public4/home/sc55932/data/tomato/ref/SL5.0/SL5.0_chr_number.fa --file3 /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/assembly/gala/{}/08_final/{}.contigs.fasta --out ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.vcf'

Structural variants (SVs) stats

##### 01_sniffles
cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/01_sniffles
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}.sniffles.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=;)' > {}.len.txt"
cat cat ZY*.len.txt > ../06_summary/01_length/01_sniffle.len.txt
##### 02_cuteSV
cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/02_cuteSV
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}.cuteSV.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=;)' > {}.len.txt"
cat ZY*.len.txt > ../06_summary/01_length/02_cuteSV.len.txt
##### 03_svim
cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/03_svim
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}/variants.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=;)' > {}.len.txt"
cat ZY*.len.txt > ../06_summary/01_length/03_svim.len.txt
##### 04_pbsv
cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/04_pbsv
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}/pbsv.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=;)' > {}.len.txt"
cat ../06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}/pbsv.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=\t)' >> {}.len.txt"
cat ZY*.len.txt > ../06_summary/01_length/04_pbsv.len.txt
###### consensus
cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/04_consensus_vcf
cat ../03_vcf/06_summary/ID.txt | parallel "grep -vP '^0\t' {}.consensus.vcf | grep 'PASS' | grep -o -P '(?<=SVLEN=).*?(?=;)' > {}.len.txt"
cat ZY*.len.txt > ../03_vcf/06_summary/01_length/05_consensus.len.txt

Structural variants (SVs) merge

For the 31 accessions with SVs from the five callers, we merge all SVs shorter than 100 kb with SURVIVOR using a maximum allowed distance of 1 kb, only to report calls supported by two callers and agreed-upon regarding the type of variant. SVs longer than 100 kb dectected by Assemblytics are kept.

cd /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/code
while read line;do echo "/public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/assemblies_SV/$line/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/$line/$line.vcf" > ../05_sample_list/$line.list; echo "/public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/01_sniffles/$line.filtered.vcf" >> ../05_sample_list/$line.list; echo "/public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/02_cuteSV/$line.filtered.vcf" >> ../05_sample_list/$line.list; echo "/public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/03_svim/$line/filtered.vcf" >> ../05_sample_list/$line.list; echo "/public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/03_vcf/04_pbsv/$line/filtered.vcf">> ../05_sample_list/$line.list; done < ID.txt

while read line;do /public4/home/sc55932/soft/SURVIVOR/Debug/SURVIVOR merge ../05_sample_list/$line.list 1000 2 1 0 0 50  ../06_merge_five_caller/$line.five_caller.vcf; done < ID.txt

## subtract long insertion
cat ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type SVfilter_long --file ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.vcf --out ../assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.long.vcf'

Filter merge vcf and prepare input variation vcf for vg

There are some disharmony contents from merge vcf files constructed by SURVIVOR, we used the custome scripts ( to correct these and prepare input variation vcf for vg

cat ../code/ID.txt | parallel 'python3  SL5.0_chr_number.fa {}.five_caller.vcf {}.five_caller.vcf_vg_out'

cat ../code/ID.txt | parallel 'WGS --model vcf --type mergeSVs --file /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/06_seq_solved/{}.five_caller.vcf_vg_out --file2 /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/assemblies_SV/{}/03_SV_result/03_assemblytics/{}/{}.long.vcf --out /public4/home/sc55932/projects/tomato/SVs/07_merge_long_ins/{}.all.vcf'

Construction of tomato graph genome (TGG)

31 HiFi accessions tomato SVs vcf

## 214401 SVs
cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/01_graph31
ln -s ../../vg/vcf/graph31.vcf.gz* .
WGS --model vcf --type cleanSVs --file graph31.vcf.gz --out # 214395 left

As the publicly 100 tomato SVs ( are identified by different version of the reference genome (SL4.0), we transformed the coordinates to SL5.0 using liftover

Rscript filter.R
awk '! /\#/' tomato100.filtered.vcf | awk '{print $1"\t"($2-1)"\t"($2+length($4)-1)"\t"$3}' > tomato100.filtered.bed
liftOver tomato100.filtered.bed SL4ToSL5.over.chain.gz tomato100.filtered.lifted.bed tomato100.filtered.unlifted.bed
python3 -v tomato100.filtered.vcf -l tomato100.filtered.lifted.bed -o tomato100.filtered.lifted.vcf -r SL5.fa
python -v tomato100.filtered.lifted.vcf -o tomato100.clean.vcf  -p tomato100
bcftools norm -m -both tomato100.clean.vcf | bcftools norm -d none -c x --fasta-ref SL5.0.fa | bcftools sort | bgzip > tomato100.norm.vcf.gz
WGS --model vcf --type cleanSVs --file tomato100.norm.vcf.gz --out

31 HiFi accessions tomato SNPs and InDels vcf

## after filtering, 16201825 SNPs and InDels
cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/03_snps
ln -s ../../snps/graph31.clean.vcf.gz* .

SVs from the 31 accessions with HiFi reads and previously identified SVs from the 100 tomatoes are merged

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/04_merge
bcftools merge ../01_graph31/ ../02_tomato100/ | bcftools norm -m -any -N | bcftools norm -d none --fasta-ref ~/data/ref/SL5.0/SL5.0_chr_number.fa  | bcftools sort | bgzip > graphSV.merged.vcf.gz ## 312852 lines
tabix -f graphSV.merged.vcf.gz

Remove sites on the same positon

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/05_rmdup
WGS --model vcf --type dupPos --file ../04_merge/graphSV.merged.vcf.gz --out graphSV.vcf ## 256783 SVs; 42388 added
WGS --model vcf --type dupPos --file ../04_merge/graphAll.merged.vcf.gz --out graphAll.vcf #  16440660 variants;
bgzip graphSV.vcf
bgzip graphAll.vcf
tabix -f graphSV.vcf.gz
tabix -f graphAll.vcf.gz

Construction of the graph genome TGG1.0

Remap 20 diverse accessions (>30X) to dedup merged SVs followed the protocols (

Rscript findDups.R 
snakemake -s dedup_Snakefile --cores 64
grep "#" called_vcf/cluster-1-*.vcf >> called_merged.vcf
grep "#" -vh called_vcf/*vcf >> called_merged.vcf
Rscript mergeRemapResults.R

Final SVs vcf merged with 31 HiFi accessions tomato SNPs and InDels vcf

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/04_merge
WGS --model vcf --type dupPosSNPs --file ../03_snps/graph31.clean.vcf.gz --file2 graphSV.merged.vcf --out SNPs.vcf # 16201825
bgzip SNPs.vcf 
tabix -f SNPs.vcf.gz
bcftools merge SNPs.vcf.gz  graphSV.merged.vcf.gz | bcftools norm -m -any -N | bcftools norm -d none --fasta-ref ~/data/ref/SL5.0/SL5.0_chr_number.fa  | bcftools sort | bgzip > graphAll.merged.vcf.gz ##  lines

To build a variantion graph TGG1.0 from a reference FASTA file and variants in a VCF file. A modified Snakefile and config.yaml are download from the vgteam ( The correponding graph index gcsa, xg,snarls,gbwt files will generate

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype/06_snps
snakemake -s vg_Snakefile --configfile config.yaml --config graph="SL5-graphAll" --resources mem_mb=230000 --cores 64 bam

Construction of the graph genome TGG1.1

Short reads from 706 tomato accessions (>6X) are mapped to TGG1.0 with vg giraffe

cat 706.sample.txt | parrell -j 10 | 'vg giraffe -p -t 64 --sample {} -m SL5-graphAll.k39.w15.N16.min -d SL5-graphAll.dist --gbwt-name SL5-graphAll.N16.gbwt -x SL5-graphAll.xg -N {} -f {}/{}_1.fq.gz -f {}/{}_2.fq.gz -o bam > {}/{}-SL5-graphAll.giraffe39k15w16N.bam 2> logs/{}-SL5-graphAll-giraffe39k15w16N.log.txt'

SNP and InDels are called using DeepVariants with the NGS model

while read line
sbatch -N 1 -p amd_io ./ $line
sleep 1s
done < step3.txt

n=$(echo $(squeue | wc -l))
while [ $n -gt 5 ];
sleep 60s
n=$(echo $(squeue | wc -l))

source /public10/soft/modules/
module load singularity/3.5.3-kd
mkdir -p deepvariant_tmp_output/$ID
for i in {0..31}
singularity exec   -B /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/07_vg_snps/:/input/   -B /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/07_vg_snps/:/output/  /public10/home/sci0011/soft/deepvariant-1.0.0.sif  /opt/deepvariant/bin/make_examples --mode calling --ref /input/SL5.fa --reads /input/${ID}/${ID}-SL5-graphAll.giraffe39k15w16N.rm.bam --examples /output/deepvariant_tmp_output/${ID}/make_examples.tfrecord@32.gz --gvcf /output/deepvariant_tmp_output/${ID}/gvcf.tfrecord@32.gz --sample_name ${ID} --task $i &
echo "make example done" > /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/07_vg_snps/deepvariant_tmp_output/${ID}/example.done

SNPs filtering for 706 samples

According to above criterias, SNPs and InDels in 706 accessions are filltered using WGS

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/10_snps/01_706/00_code

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'WGS --model vcf --type depthFilterDP --minDepth 3000 --maxDepth 9000 --file  ../01_raw/chr{}.vcf.gz --out ../02_depth/chr{}.vcf'
./ 02_depth
cd ../00_code

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'WGS --model vcf --type qualityFilter --threshold 20 --file ../02_depth/chr{}.vcf.gz --out ../03_quality/chr{}.vcf'
./ 03_quality
cd ../00_code

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'WGS --model vcf --type inDel_len --file ../03_quality/chr{}.vcf.gz --out ../04_indel_size/chr{}.vcf'
./ 04_indel_size
cd ../00_code

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'WGS --model vcf --type nameSNPs --file ../04_indel_size/chr{}.vcf.gz --out ../05_rename/chr{}.vcf'
./ 05_rename
cd ../00_code

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'plink --vcf ../05_rename/chr{}.vcf.gz --maf 0.005 --biallelic-only --geno 0.6 --make-bed --vcf-half-call m --memory 2000 --out ../06_plink/chr{}'

cat chr.txt | parallel -j 13 'plink --vcf ../04_indel_size/chr{}.vcf.gz --maf 0.005 --biallelic-only --geno 0.6 --make-bed --vcf-half-call m --memory 2000 --out ../06_plink/chr{}'

Genotypes of Structural variants (SVs) in 706 accessions

Genotypes of SVs for the 706 accessions were called by Paragraph using default parameters (

mkdir -p $sample
cd $sample -i /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato2/08_paragraph/02_vcf/SV.paragraph.vcf -m /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato2/08_paragraph/01_bam/samples_${sample}.txt -r ~/data/ref/SL5.0/SL5.0_chr_number.fa -o . --threads 64
tabix -f genotypes.vcf.gz

We futher process the 706 accessions vcf with merging, normalization, renaming, maf, missing rate using WGS.

cd /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato/genotype2/02_svs/07_all
cd  01_ori
bcftools merge ()  | bgzip > sv706.vcf.gz

cd ../02_norm
WGS --model vcf --type normVariant --file ../01_ori/sv706.vcf.gz --out sv706.vcf
bgzip sv706.vcf

cd ../03_rename
WGS --model vcf --type nameSNPs --file ../02_norm/sv706.vcf.gz --out sv706.vcf
bgzip sv706.vcf

cd ../04_plink
plink --vcf ../03_rename/sv706.vcf.gz --make-bed --out sv706

## filter with maf < 0.01 and missing rate > 0.2, only 61434 left
cd ../05_filter/
plink --bfile ../04_plink/sv706 --maf 0.01 --geno 0.2 --make-bed --out sv706 ## 61434 left

cd ../06_maf/
plink --bfile ../04_plink/sv706 --freq --out sv706
plink --bfile ../05_filter/sv706 --freq --out sv706.filtered

Benchmark study of graph simulation

To be as consistent as possible with empirical results, we simulated the short-reads with with different coverage (5x, 10x, 15x, 20x, and 25x) followed vg team code. (

cat ID.txt | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/parallel  -j5  'vg sim -r -n 13333333   -a -s 12345 -p 570 -v 165 -i 0.00029 -x {}.xg -g {}.gbwt --sample-name ref   -F SRR7279644_1.fastq.gz  -F SRR7279644_2.fastq.gz | vg annotate -p -x {}.xg -a - | vg view -X -a  - | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/pigz > 5X_{}'

cat ID.txt | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/parallel  -j8  'vg sim -r -n 26666666   -a -s 12345 -p 570 -v 165 -i 0.00029 -x {}.xg -g {}.gbwt --sample-name ref   -F SRR7279644_1.fastq.gz  -F SRR7279644_2.fastq.gz | vg annotate -p -x {}.xg -a - | vg view -X -a  - | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/pigz > 10X_{}'

cat ID.txt | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/parallel  -j5  'vg sim -r -n 40000000   -a -s 12345 -p 570 -v 165 -i 0.00029 -x {}.xg -g {}.gbwt --sample-name ref   -F SRR7279644_1.fastq.gz  -F SRR7279644_2.fastq.gz | vg annotate -p -x {}.xg -a - | vg view -X -a  - | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/pigz > 15X_{}'

cat ID.txt | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/parallel  -j5  'vg sim -r -n 53333333   -a -s 12345 -p 570 -v 165 -i 0.00029 -x {}.xg -g {}.gbwt --sample-name ref   -F SRR7279644_1.fastq.gz  -F SRR7279644_2.fastq.gz | vg annotate -p -x {}.xg -a - | vg view -X -a  - | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/pigz > 20X_{}'

cat ID.txt | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/parallel  -j5  'vg sim -r -n 66666666   -a -s 12345 -p 570 -v 165 -i 0.00029 -x {}.xg -g {}.gbwt --sample-name ref   -F SRR7279644_1.fastq.gz  -F SRR7279644_2.fastq.gz | vg annotate -p -x {}.xg -a - | vg view -X -a  - | /public10/home/sci0010/anaconda3/bin/pigz > 25X_{}'

We simulate the genome with known SNPs using custom scripts and further simulated InDels and SVs using simuG

SNPs and InDels of linear genome were mapped and called by bwa and DeepVariant respectively. SVs of linear genome was called same as previous pipeline. To compare the performance between linear and graph genome. We used and truvari software


while read line
for cov in 5 10 15 20 25
do ../02_genome_simulated/$line.indel.vcf.gz ../05_NGS_calling_DeepVariant/cov$cov.$line/cov$cov.$line.indels.vcf.gz -o cov$cov.$line.indel -r /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato2/35_simulation_calling/05_NGS_calling_DeepVariant/SL5.0_chr_number.fa --unhappy --threads 6 --no-roc --no-json -T chr.bed & ../01_vcf/$line.snp.recode.vcf.gz ../05_NGS_calling_DeepVariant/cov$cov.$line/cov$cov.$line.snps.vcf.gz -o cov$cov.$line.snps -r /public10/home/sci0011/projects/tomato2/35_simulation_calling/05_NGS_calling_DeepVariant/SL5.0_chr_number.fa --unhappy --threads 6 --no-roc --no-json -T chr.bed &
done < sample.txt

Use truvari

while read line
for cov in 5 10 15 20 25
truvari bench -b ./../../02_genome_simulated/$ -c ../04_para/vcf/cov$cov.$line.vcf.gz -f ../../05_NGS_calling_DeepVariant/SL5.0_chr_number.fa -o cov$cov.$line -r 2000 -p 0.8 -P 0.7 -O 0.5 --sizemax 200000 -t --multimatch --includebed ../06_eval_ngs/cov$cov.$line.bed &
done < sample.txt