Website containing information about Riyadh Season, users can login and post comments on posts made about the events. This project was developed for the Web Development course by a group of four. note: please create database (code in Riyadh_Season.sql) and change the servername, username and password in accordingly.
- XAMPP web server solution stack package including: Apache web server and MYSQL database.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL and PHP.
- Bootsrap 520 Highway template:
The user can login by entering their email and password, if the login is sucessful the user will be transfered to the home page.
If the user doesn't have an account already, they can sign up by entering their username, name, password and email.
The home page contains a description of Riyadh Season with a video playing in the background.
When the user scrolls down or clicks the arrow down button the posts show up.
The user can learn more about an event by clicking on the "more info" hypertext, a post about the indiviual event shows up. The webpage contains a sidemenu containing posts of other events.
When the user scrolls down they can see more information about the event.
The post also contains a comment section where logged in users can share their experince (if the user is not logged in, the comments are shown without the comment box)