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File metadata and controls

455 lines (341 loc) Β· 17.6 KB


The Material-UI Rich Text Editor and Viewer

mui-rte is a complete text editor and viewer for the MUI library (formerly Material-UI) based on draft-js and written in Typescript. It is ready to use out of the box yet supports user defined blocks, styles, autocomplete strategies, async/sync custom atomic blocks, callbacks, and decorators as well as toolbar and theme customization to enhance the editor to all needs.


npm install mui-rte --save

Install the peer dependencies: @mui/material, @mui/icons-material, @mui/styles, react and react-dom. Also you will need to install the peer dependencies for MUI: @emotion/react and @emotion/styled.


Edit mui-rte basic


import { createTheme, ThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles'
import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

const myTheme = createTheme({
    // Set up your custom MUI theme here

    <ThemeProvider theme={myTheme}>
        <MUIRichTextEditor label="Start typing..." />

You can load default content as the following example. The value should be a stringified RawDraftContentState object:

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

const data = getContentStateAsStringFromSomewhere()

    <ThemeProvider theme={myTheme}>
            label="Start typing..." 

Material-UI v4 compatibility

mui-rte version 2.x is compatible with MUI (v5) only. You can still use version 1.x for Material-UI v4. Current code using mui-rte version 1.x should be compatible with version 2.x, the only breaking change is that it requires to be wrapped on a ThemeProvider as shown in the examples.


Check the examples directory for more.

Custom Controls

You can define your custom inline styles, blocks, atomic blocks and callback actions to the editor. Just select an icon from @mui/icons-material or create your own FunctionComponent and define your rules.

Adding a custom inline style

This sample adds a control to change the background color and font color of the typed or selected text:

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'
import InvertColorsIcon from '@mui/icons-material/InvertColors'

            name: "my-style",
            icon: <InvertColorsIcon />,
            type: "inline",
            inlineStyle: {
                backgroundColor: "black",
                color: "white"

Adding a custom block

This sample adds a block to the editor based on a React Element:

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'
import TableChartIcon from '@mui/icons-material/TableChart'

const MyBlock = (props) => {
    return (
        <div style={{
            padding: 10,
            backgroundColor: "#ebebeb"
            My Block content is:

            name: "my-block",
            icon: <TableChartIcon />,
            type: "block",
            blockWrapper: <MyBlock />

Adding a custom atomic block (Async)

It is possible to insert custom blocks based on asynchronous behavior using the insertAtomicBlockAsync API. The above example shows an example on how to upload an image and use the MUIRichTextEditor default image control for further edition. You can use this behavior to upload a file when dropping it inside the editor and render it as an image entity after upload.

Check this other sample that shows how to add a @mui/material Card with asynchronous downloaded content.

Adding a custom atomic block (Sync)

Check this sample that shows how to create a control to add a @mui/material Card component to the editor.

Adding a custom callback control

This sample adds a control that will trigger a custom callback function to clear the editor state:

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'
import DoneIcon from '@mui/icons-material/Done'
import { EditorState } from 'draft-js'

            name: "my-callback",
            icon: <DoneIcon />,
            type: "callback",
            onClick: (editorState, name, anchor) => {
                console.log(`Clicked ${name} control`)
                return EditorState.createEmpty()

Autocomplete strategies

You can define autocomplete strategies to present suggested content lists based on the text input. Just set your trigger character, add some search keys and the content to insert and the editor will do everything for you. You can navigate through suggestions using the keyboard arrows and finally press 'Enter' to insert your content into the editor.

Simple strategy example

This is an example to show emoji suggestions when the user start typing a text like ':face', ':joy', or ':grin':

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

const emojis = [
        keys: ["face", "grin"],
        value: "πŸ˜€",
        content: "πŸ˜€",
        keys: ["face", "joy"],
        value: "πŸ˜‚",
        content: "πŸ˜‚",
        keys: ["face", "sweat"],
        value: "πŸ˜…",
        content: "πŸ˜…",

        strategies: [
                items: emojis,
                triggerChar: ":"

Check this sample that shows how to add multiple autocomplete strategies to a single editor.

Atomic strategy example

Check this sample that shows how to combine atomic custom controls with the autocomplete strategy feature.

Custom Decorators

You can define custom decorators to apply styles and/or functionality based on a provided regular expression.

Adding custom functionality with a decorator

To add some functionality when a user inputs a #hashtag use the following example. In this case, everytime the user inputs a word starting with a # character it will be automatically converted into a styled link:

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

const MyHashTagDecorator = (props) => {
    const hashtagUrl = "http://myurl/" + props.decoratedText
    return (
                color: "green"

    label="Type something here..."
            component: MyHashTagDecorator,
            regex: /\#[\w]+/g

Inline toolbar

The editor includes an inline toolbar option which renders a pop-up inside the editor area when the user makes a selection. The inline toolbar supports user defined controls. Notice that only inline type controls will be rendered. The controls displayed on the main toolbar can be different from the ones in the inline toolbar. You can also hide the main toolbar and just enable the inline toolbar.

import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

    label="Type something here..."

Styling the editor

You can style the editor using the Material-UI theming feature. First create a theme with createMuiTheme and override classes such as root, container, editor, and editorContainer. Check the examples directory for more.

import { createMuiTheme, MuiThemeProvider } from '@mui/material/styles'
import MUIRichTextEditor from 'mui-rte'

const defaultTheme = createMuiTheme()

Object.assign(defaultTheme, {
    overrides: {
        MUIRichTextEditor: {
            root: {
                marginTop: 20,
                width: "80%"
            editor: {
                borderBottom: "1px solid gray" 

<MuiThemeProvider theme={defaultTheme}>
        label="Type something here..."


<MUIRichTextEditor /> (TMUIRichTextEditorProps)

Property Type description
id string optional Base Id name for the component HTML elements.
ref TMUIRichTextEditorRef optional Sets a reference instance of the editor component.
label string optional String to show when there is no content.
readOnly boolean optional Read only mode. The toolbar is disabled by default.
value string deprecated Use defaultValue instead.
defaultValue string optional Default content to load. Should be a stringified Draft.Model.Encoding.RawDraftContentState object.
inheritFontSize boolean optional Inherit font size from parent. Useful for read only mode.
error boolean optional Renders the editor with an error style.
controls string[] optional List of controls to display in the main toolbar. If not provided, all controls will be rendered. Current available values are: "title", "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "highlight", "undo", "redo", "link", "media", "numberList", "bulletList", "quote", "code", "clear", "save".
customControls TCustomControl[] optional Defines an array of user custom inline styles, blocks and callbacks. See more information in 'Custom Controls' below.
decorators TDecorator[] optional Defines an array of user custom decorators. See more information in 'Custom Decorators'.
toolbar boolean optional Defines if the main toolbar should be rendered.
toolbarButtonSize small | medium optional Sets the size on the default IconButton component for the main toolbar.
inlineToolbar boolean optional Defines if the inline toolbar should be rendered.
inlineToolbarControls string[] optional List of controls to display in the inline toolbar. Available values are: "bold", "italic", "underline", "strikethrough", "highlight", "link", "clear", and user defined inline controls. If not provided and inlineToolbar is true the following inline styles will be displayed: bold, italic, underline and clear.
keyCommands TKeyCommand[] optional Defines an array of TKeyCommand objects for adding key bindings to the editor.
draftEditorProps TDraftEditorProps optional Defines an object containing specific draft-js Editor properties.
maxLength number optional Sets the maximum characters count that can be input into the editor.
autocomplete TAutocomplete optional Sets autocomplete strategies to present suggestion lists as the user types into the editor.
onSave (data:string) => void optional Function triggered when the save button is pressed. The data is a stringified Draft.Model.Encoding.RawDraftContentState object.
onChange (state: EditorState) => void optional Function triggered on any change in the editor (key input, delete, etc.). The state is a Draft.Model.ImmutableData.EditorState object.
onFocus () => void optional Function triggered when when the editor acquires focus.
onBlur () => void optional Function triggered when when the editor loses focus.


Property Type description
id string optional The HTML id attribute for the control
name string required The name of the custom control. For rendering the control this name should be added to the MUIRichTextEditor controls property.
icon JSX.Element optional The @mui/icons-material icon for the control. For "atomic" control type, the icon is not required. Check this for available icons.
component React.FunctionComponent<TToolbarComponentProps> optional The custom function component for the control. The icon has priority over the component, so if the icon is set the component will be ignored. For "atomic" control type, the component is not required.
type string required Either "inline", "block", "atomic" or "callback"
inlineStyle string optional The React.CSSProperties object for styling the text when using a custom inline style.
blockWrapper React.ReactElement optional The custom React component used for rendering a custom block.
atomicComponent React.FunctionComponent optional The custom React FunctionComponent used for rendering a custom atomic block.
onClick (editorState: EditorState, name: string, anchor: HTMLElement | null) => EditorState | void optional The callback function triggered when the custom control is clicked. The received arguments include the current EditorState object, the name of the clicked control and the HTMLElement from which the click was raised. If a new EditorState object is returned it will be replace the current one in the editor (useful to explicitly modify the EditorState).


Property Type description
id string The id for the component.
onMouseDown (e: React.MouseEvent) => void The mousedown handler.
active boolean Defines if the block or inline type is active for the current editor selection.
disabled boolean Sets if the toolbar is disabled.


Property Type description
component React.FunctionComponent required The React component to use for rendering the decorator.
regex RegExp required The regular expression to match a decorator.


Property Type description
key number required The code of the key to bind.
name string required The name of the command.
callback (state: EditorState) => EditorState required The callback function to execute when the key binding is matched. It should return the EditorState to set.


Property Type description
spellCheck boolean optional Use browser spelling check.
stripPastedStyles boolean optional Remove styles when pasting text into the editor.
handleDroppedFiles (selectionState: SelectionState, files: Blob[]) => DraftHandleValue optional Handle files that have been dropped into the editor. The DraftHandleValue is either handled or not-handled.


Property Type description
strategies TAutocompleteStrategy[] required Array of autocomplete strategies.
suggestLimit number optional Defines the amount of suggestions to present to the user. Default is 5.


Property Type description
triggerChar string required A single character that triggers the autocomplete strategy.
items TAutocompleteItem[] required List of autocomplete suggestion items.
insertSpaceAfter boolean optional If false it won't add an space after inserting the content into the editor. Default is true.
atomicBlockName string optional Use an atomic custom control type to add the content to the editor.


Property Type description
keys string[] required The list of keys that the user needs to type to reveal this item suggestion.
value any required The value to insert into the editor when the item is selected.
content string | JSX.Element required The content presented in the autocomplete suggestion list for this item. Note that this content is render under a ListItem component.


Property Type description
focus () => void Triggers the focus event on the editor.
save () => void Triggers the save method on the editor.
insertAtomicBlock (name: string, data: any) deprecated Use insertAtomicBlockSync instead.
insertAtomicBlockSync (name: string, data: any) Inserts an atomic block named as name (if exists) with the provided data into the editor.
insertAtomicBlockAsync (name: string, promise: Promise<TAsyncAtomicBlockResponse>, placeholder?: string) => void Inserts an atomic block named as name (if exists) asynchronously with the provided data into the editor. The placeholder text will be shown on the editor until the promise is resolved.


Property Type description
data any required The data assigned to the entity added into the editor.


Check the release notes for the changelog.


For development use:

$ npm run build
$ npm run serve

Future plans

  • Add test coverage
  • Refactor code
  • Add new features

Suggestions and issues

Please feel free to leave your comment on the Issues tab.


Licensed under MIT License.