#fundraising golang #nonprofit charity promoting zero commission donations and volunteering for charities.
API is a working prototype. 90% of code is ready. We are looking for a Golang programmer to finalize it. Contact-us: info@microhuchasolidaria.org
We are a non-profit association that collects donations from 2 to 10 € of users for all the solidarious entity (associations and foundations) that participate in the program. The donations are entirely given to the organizations for which the membership is totally free. In England IWantToHelp, in France, association Je Vais Aider, in Spain, asociación Micro Hucha Solidaria. More countries will come. All donations are API based defined in api.yml. We are building a service to easily and securely make donations to world charities.
is for API service definition http://editor.swagger.io/USER
stands for natural user who make donations. No VAT tax applies for this entity.ASSO
stands for Association. A solidarious legal entity (Charity) that receive user donations.POS
stands for Point Of Sale. A legal entity that promotes and support us. Country specific VAT tax applies to this entity.
Copy/paste api.yml in swagger to read/update last API service definition
Check API development status https://slides.com/yoquieroayudar-es/backend-charity-api
/signup New user. A confirmation email will be sent to validate user.
/signin/:provider Signin a new user with Facebook.
/signin To login.
/recover_password Recovers the password from an email adress.
/donation #zero comission donation from USER to ASSO (Charity). Currently, me manage Euros, from 2 to 10 euros.
/register_card Register a USER credit card.
/recharge_account Recharge USER account (e-Wallet).
/wallet_balance Shows balance from your account.
/donations/by-year Get USER donation by year sent to ASSO to receive charity tax benefit certificate. Depends on country specific tax benefit laws.
/asso/request-certificate Request to ASSO a tax benefit certificate.
/signup_twitter_asso To synchronize a charity twitter profile: name, logo and description.
/asso Put. Create an ASSO.
/asso/:id Put. Update ASSO information.
/search/asso Get. Search an ASSO.
/media Upload twitter profile ASSO logo.
/twitter_sync Gets all charities from twitter list.
/pos Put. Create a POS.
/pos/:id Get a POS.
/register_card Register a credit card.
/pay_subscription Pay POS monthly subcription. 10 euros + country specific VAT.
/fees Returns VAT (depending on the country), VAT rate.
/pos/:id/invoices Get invoices for POS.
/metrics Shows some metrics about donations.
- A legal non profit entity is needed to collect and redistribute donations to charities.
- Micro Hucha Solidaria is a legal non profit entity in Spain that can collect and redistribute donations. https://microhuchasolidaria.org/en/api-3/
- Je Vais Aider is a legal non profit entity in France that can collect and redistribute donations. https://jevaisaider.org/fr/api-2/
- Ask us how to create a new legal non profit entity in your country: info@microhuchasolidaria.org
- Micro Hucha Solidaria is the pilot project, collect and redistribute donations in Spain.
- Je Vais Aider collect and redistribute donations in France, Belgium, Swizerland,Morroco, Tunez.
- Based on the same API technology stack, more countries wil be added. Spanish speaking countries https://twitter.com/YQuieroAyudar, French https://twitter.com/JeVaisAider, Arab https://twitter.com/Oridoanose3ed, German https://twitter.com/IchWillHelfen, Italian https://twitter.com/IoVoglioAiutare, Portuguese https://twitter.com/EQueroAjudar, English https://twitter.com/IWantToHelpUK, ...
- For each new country, we need to contact and add country charities, translate backend messages, adapt VAT rates, adapt wallet currencies...
The api service is build on Linux Ubuntu Xenial (16.04 LTS)
https://github.com/golanggolang gin-gonic
framework for API development https://github.com/gin-gonic/ginPostgress
for database.GORM
ORM library for Golang https://github.com/jinzhu/gormGoose
for Database Migration Tool https://bitbucket.org/liamstask/goosePostman
for API testing https://www.getpostman.com/
API backend is on a private GIT for security reasons. We manage payments. Any Golang gopher programmer can participate for backend, VueJS, Angular for frontend. Watch, Star this page or contact-us: info@microhuchasolidaria.org , and we´ll contact you.
API is still beta version.
for Micro Hucha Solidaria.https://api.jevaisaider.org/version
for Je Vais Aider.http://api.iwanttohelp.org.uk/version
for I Want to Help.
Real time total donation endpoint made by all USERS
for Micro Hucha Solidaria.https://api.jevaisaider.org/metrics
for Je Vais Aider.http://api.iwanttohelp.org.uk/metrics
for Want to Help.
We use Mangopay to manage e-wallet for all entities: POS. ASSO, USERS
https://docs.mangopay.com/Mangopay for Golang
Go implementation of the MangoPay HTTP REST api version 2.
Feel free to open an issue or create a PR.
Feel free to support this charity donation project. https://slides.com/yoquieroayudar-es/
for more information.