released this
22 Apr 17:35
Fixed ZIP download failing to extract in Windows Explorer.
By popular demand, support for the Metro-North M7 EMU and Shoreliner cab car.
Metro-North locomotives:
ATC now correctly enforces 15 mph for Restricting and 80 mph for Clear/Normal.
Siemens ACS-64:
Fixed alerter not triggering the safety systems warning icon on the HUD.
Fixed desk and console light controls to behave prototypically.
Horn now correctly plays the bell and flashes the ditch lights.
Reinstated blended braking.
Enhanced compatibility with CTSL Railfan's enhancement pack:
The Suppression threshold is now set correctly for the automatic brake lever.
Pressing Shift+' moves the brake lever to the correct Suppression setting.
The safety systems alarm sound now plays continuously and correctly.
Acela Express:
Added fading effect for ditch lights.
Horn now correctly plays the bell.
NJ Transit locomotives:
Fixed ACSES braking curve overriding the ATC-enforced speed when approaching a speed limit drop.
All locomotives:
Added popup alerts that trigger when encountering a change in electrification.
Added popup alerts that trigger when starting and stopping a power change in a dual-mode locomotive.
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