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Helper Functions Guide

Matthew edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 2 revisions

This is a list of all global helper functions in the CallHandler.cs file.

void IdleAction(Ped ped, bool iscop)

Plays an Idle Animation for ped. If iscop = true, the animation will be a cop idle animation. Different animations available for male/female cops and citizens, specified in the relevant two-dimensional arrays at the start of the class.

void locationChooser(ArrayList list, float maxdistance = 600f, float mindistance = 25f)

Creates a list of all the Vector3 locations within mindistance and maxdistance contained in list. Returns locationReturned = false if no corresponding locations are found in list, and a random corresponding location if a location is found.

void Dialogue(List<string> dialogue, Ped animped = null, String animdict = "missfbi3_party_d", String animname = "stand_talk_loop_a_male1", float animspeed = -1, AnimationFlags animflag = AnimationFlags.Loop)

Plays a dialogue in List form. Optionally, specify a Ped and animation to play while the dialogue is progressing. The dialgoue will be progress when the player presses the MainInteractionKey key in the Config.ini file.