This is a packet generator Python package.
pip install ys-packet-generator
There should be two sides:
- Client side - which generates the packets
- Server side - which receive the packets
Send UDP packets - unlimited loop
Each packet's data is an increasing index that repeats every 32bit
@param: ip (str) - destination IP address
port (int) - destination port
bandwidth (int) - the bandwidth to allocate
packet_size (int) - size of each packet
debug (bool) - use prints or not
@returns: None
from ys-packet-generator import generator as pg
Receive UDP packets from the generator - unlimited loop Each packet is an increasing index that repeats every 32bit
@param: ip (str) - local IP address
port (int) - local port
buffer_size (int) - buffer size to reveive packets
full_debug (bool) - print all debug prints
debug (bool) - print only missed packet's index
@returns: None
from ys-packet-generator import server