Launch an instance with the Deep Learning Base GPU AMI. Note that this AMI currently only supports P5, P4de, P4d, P3, G5, G3, and G4dn instances.
Log into the instance and configure GPUs to run inside Docker containers
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker sudo systemctl restart docker
Pull the image:
docker pull martinkim0/scvi-tools:py3.11-cu11-autotune-main
Mount the AWS drive to a directory
sudo mkdir /data sudo mount /dev/mapper/name-of-drive /data
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/YosefLab/census-scvi.git
Run the container in detached mode with a mounted volume
docker run --name autotune --rm --gpus all --volume /data:/data -dit martinkim0/scvi-tools:py3.11-cu11-autotune-main /bin/bash
Copy the repository into the container
docker cp census-scvi autotune:census-scvi
Execute the autotune script in the container
docker exec -d autotune python /census-scvi/bin/autotune_scvi_v2.py --adata_path path_to_adata --batch_key batch_key --num_cpus num_cpus --num_gpus num_gpus --experiment_name experiment_name --save_dir /data
After the experiment finishes, you can stop the container
docker stop autotune
All logs are stored in the
argument passed into (6)