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AnimatedPB is an Android Studio library for creating customizable and animated progress bars. It supports various shapes, animations, and extensive styling options, making it easy to enhance your app's UI with engaging progress indicators.

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AnimatedPB [Android Studio Library]

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AnimatedPB is an Android library for creating customizable and animated progress bars. It supports various shapes like polls and circles, allows for animation customization (linear, ease-in, ease-out, bounce), and offers extensive styling options for progress bars and containers. With easy-to-use attributes, you can set colors, labels, and more to create engaging UI elements.



pic5 Features

  • Customizable colors and shapes
  • Supports circular and poll progress bars
  • Animated progress with different types (linear, ease-in, ease-out, bounce)
  • Flexible margins, corner radii, and dimensions
  • Display text labels and values inside progress bars

pic5 Installation


Add the following dependency to your build.gradle file:

    <!-- In your project-level build.gradle -->
    repositories {

Add the dependency:

    <!-- In your app-level build.gradle -->
    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.example:animatedpb:1.0.0'

pic5 Usage

Here is a sample usage of AnimatedPB:


You can add an OnClick Listener to the ProgressBar and implement your own Functionality

my_animatedPB.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Progressbar clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

Modify Attributes Dynamically at Runtime

The following attributes can be modified dynamically during runtime by calling the appropriate setter methods:

  • Bar Label: Set or update the text displayed on the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setBarLabel(String barLabel);
  • Label Color: Change the color of the label text on the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setLabelColor(int labelColor);
  • Label Text Size: Modify the size of the label text on the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setLabelTextSize(int labelTextSize);
  • Value Color: Set the color for the value displayed inside the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setValueColor(int valueColor);
  • Value to Display: Choose whether to display a number, percentage, or none.
  my_animatedPB.setValueToDisplay(int valueToDisplay); // Can be number, percentage, or none
  • Container Corner Radius: Adjust the corner radius for the container of the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setContainerCornerRadius(int containerCornerRadius);
  • Progress Corner Radius: Adjust the corner radius for the progress bar itself.
  my_animatedPB.setProgressCornerRadius(int progressCornerRadius);
  • Progress Color: Change the color of the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setProgressColor(int progressColor);
  • Container Color: Modify the color of the background container for the progress bar.
  my_animatedPB.setContainerColor(int containerColor);
  • Progress Margin: Set margins around the progress bar (top, left, bottom, right).
  my_animatedPB.setProgressMargin(int progressMarginTop, int progressMarginLeft, int progressMarginBottom, int progressMarginRight);

pic5 Attributes

Here’s a table of all customizable attributes for AnimatedPB:

Attribute Description Example Default Value
progressColor Sets the color of the progress bar #4CAF50 #005ECB
containerColor Sets the background color of the progress bar's container #F5F5F5 #E1BEE7
barLabel Text label to display within the progress bar Linear null
barShape Determines the shape of the progress bar. Options: poll (0), circle (1) poll 0 (poll)
minValue Sets the minimum value for the progress bar 0 0
maxValue Sets the maximum value for the progress bar 100 100
progress Initial progress value 50 0
animationType Sets the animation type for progress. Options: linear (0), ease_out (1), ease_in (2), bounce (3) linear 0 (linear)
valueToDisplay Determines how to display the progress value. Options: number (0), percentage (1), none (2) number 0 (number)
containerCornerRadius Radius of the container's corners 20 0
progressCornerRadius Radius of the progress bar's corners 10 0
labelColor Color of the progress bar's label text #FFFFFF #212121
labelTextSize Size of the label text 16 14
valueColor Color of the displayed value inside the progress bar #FFFFFF #212121
progressMarginTop Margin of the progress bar from the top 10dp 0
progressMarginLeft Margin of the progress bar from the left 18dp 0
progressMarginBottom Margin of the progress bar from the bottom 10dp 0
progressMarginRight Margin of the progress bar from the right 18dp 0
animDurationMillis Duration of the animation in milliseconds 1000 1000

pic5 Authors



AnimatedPB is an Android Studio library for creating customizable and animated progress bars. It supports various shapes, animations, and extensive styling options, making it easy to enhance your app's UI with engaging progress indicators.







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