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1. How To Use

Yousef Z edited this page Dec 25, 2022 · 23 revisions

Here we will be talking about how to use the interface of the QalibContext

Simple Usage

This is a simple XML file that contains a barebones embed

    <embed key="test_key">
        <title>Hello World</title>
                <name>Field 1</name>
                <value>This is the first field in the embed that is mandatory</value>

Lets dissect this, piece by piece. First off, we have the <discord> tag which is the container (ElementTree) for all the <embed> elements. We can have a variable number of <embed> elements and they are uniquely identified by their key attribute such as <embed key="test_key">, which is used to identify this embed, in this case test_key uniquely identifies this embed.

We then use the the components of the embed class, so the 3 mandatory elements of an embed that is required to render it is the <title>, <colour>/<color>, and at least one <field> in the <fields> container, which contain a <name>, and a <value>.

Using more of the attributes that can associated with an embed

Each embed can be extended to leverage more the things that an embed can offer such as:

  1. Description
  2. Type
  3. Timestamp
  4. Url
  5. Footer
    1. Text
    2. Icon
  6. Thumbnail
  7. Image
  8. Author
    1. Name
    2. Icon
    3. Url
    <embed key="test_key">
        <description>Test Description</description>
                <name>Test Field</name>
                <text>Test Text</text>
            <text>Test Footer</text>
            <name>Test Author</name>

First make the XML files containing your embeds in a separate directory (for the sake of simplicity, it will be called templates).

and then can be used by an EmbedManager instance

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import qalib

bot = commands.AutoShardedBot(command_prefix="!", intents=discord.Intents.all())

async def test(ctx):

    await ctx.rendered_send("test_key", keywords={
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