Cross Platform C++ Hello World example with minimal dependencies. Works on iOS (Phone, watch, TV, etc), Android, Windows, OSX, Linux. Shared C++ code is in HelloLib.cpp. And each platform has it's own application that calls the shared library.
To build this example you will need the following tools:
- CMake - on all platforms
- Ninja - For building on Mac
- Visual Studio - to build for Windows
- XCode - to build for Mac
- Android Studio to build for Android
- From the commnad line run Scripts/BuildWindowsAll.cmd to create all flavors of HelloLib.lib
- Open the HelloWorld.sln with Visual Studio.
- Select the startup project and build/run
- From the commnad line run Scripts/ to create all flavors of libHelloLib.a
- From the command line run the corresponding cmake install for the app you want to build.
Some examples:
- Targetting Mac OSX running on apple silicon cmake --install "./Build/HelloLib/OSX/ARM64" --config Debug
- Targetting Mac OSX running on Intel Mac cmake --install "./Build/HelloLib/OSX/Intel" --config Debug
- Targetting iPhone Simulator on Apple silicon cmake --install "./Build/HelloLib/iOS/ARM64_Simulator" --config Debug
- etc.
./Scripts/ can also be used to build and install a specific flavor
- MAC - for intel based Mac's
- MAC_ARM64 - for OSX running on Apple silicon
- OS64 - for iPhone
- SIMULATOR64 - for iPhone simulator running on Intel Mac
- SIMULATORARM64 - for iPhone simulator running on Apple silicon
- TVOS - for apple TV device
- SIMULATOR_TVOS - for TV simulator running on Intel Mac
- SIMULATORARM64_TVOS - for TV simulator running on Apple silicon
- WATCHOS - for apple watch device
- SIMULATOR_WATCHOS - for apple watch simulator running on Intel Mac
- SIMULATORARM64_WATCHOS - for apple watch simulator running on Apple silicon
- Open the HelloWorld.xcodeproj with XCode and select a target config for the app.
- HelloWorld/XCode/App for Mac, Phone, TV
- HelloWorld/XCode/Watch for Watch. The apple Watch requires a different app project.
- Remember to run the correct cmake --install before building
- Use Android studio to open, build and run the project HelloWorld/AndroidStudio
- From the command line run to create release and debug versions of HelloWorld