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-Research project on employees of the corporation from the 1980s and 1990s. All that remain of the database of employees from that period are six CSV files.

-Includes Technical Report of:

-Data Modeling

-Data Engineering

-Data Analysis

-Lists the following details of each employee: employee number, last name, first name, gender, and salary.

-Lists employees who were hired in 1986.

-Lists the manager of each department with the following information: department number, department name, the manager's employee number, last name, first name, and start and end employment dates.

-Lists the department of each employee with the following information: employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

-Lists all employees whose first name is "Hercules" and last names begin with "B."

-Lists all employees in the Sales department, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

-Lists all employees in the Sales and Development departments, including their employee number, last name, first name, and department name.

-In descending order, lists the frequency count of employee last names, i.e., how many employees share each last name.

-Imports the SQL database into Pandas with SQLAlchemy and creates a bar chart of average salary by title.