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more convenient file backup util for vim

if you like my work, check here for a list of my vim plugins, or buy me a coffee

how to use

  1. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimBackup'
  2. edit your file, backups would be made automatically when you save files, or, make backups manually by :ZFBackupSave or :ZFBackupSaveDir

  3. if anything wrong, use :ZFBackupList or :ZFBackupListDir to popup and choose backup to diff and restore


  • ZFBackup_backupDir() : get backup dir
  • ZFBackupSave [filePath] or call ZFBackupSave([filePath]) : save backup for specified file
  • ZFBackupSaveDir [filePath] or call ZFBackupSaveDir([filePath]) : save backup for specified dir, wildignore and ZFIgnoreGet() are applied
  • ZFBackupRemove [filePath] or call ZFBackupRemove([filePath]) : remove backup for specified file
  • ZFBackupRemoveDir [filePath] or call ZFBackupRemoveDir([filePath]) : remove backup for specified dir
  • ZFBackupList [filePath] or call ZFBackupList([filePath]) : restore backup for specified file
  • ZFBackupListDir [filePath] or call ZFBackupListDir([filePath]) : restore backup for specified dir
  • ZFBackup_getBackupInfoList([filePath]) or ZFBackup_getAllBackupInfoList() : get a list of backup info for specified file:
        'backupFile' : 'backup file name under backupDir',
        'name' : 'original file's name',
        'path' : 'original file's parent's abs path, may be empty when local config file messed up',
        'pathMD5' : 'original file's parent's abs path's md5',
        'time' : 'backup saved time, string',
        'info' : 'a short info to show the backup',
  • ZFBackup_clean() : remove all backup files
  • ZFBackup_enable() : enable auto backup
  • ZFBackup_disable() : disable auto backup
  • ZFBackup_autoClean() : clean outdated backup


  • g:ZFBackup_autoEnable : whether enable by default, default: 1

  • g:ZFBackup_stateFilePath : path for local state file, default: ~/.vim_cache

  • g:ZFBackup_path : path for backups, default: ~/.vim_cache

  • g:ZFBackup_backupFunc : function to perform actual backup, default: ZFBackup_backupFunc

  • g:ZFBackup_hashFunc : function to get file's hash, default: ZFBackup_hashFunc

    • you need one of thse command to make backup available:
      • md5 or md5sum (for Linux like systems)
      • certutil (for Windows)
    • if none of them are available, you may supply your own, or use the builtin vim script version by let g:ZFBackup_hashFunc_fallback_enable = 1 (which may be slow)
  • g:ZFBackup_backupFilter : Dictonary that contain filter functions to filter files to backup, key is any module name you like, value is filter function function(filePath), return 1 to prevent the file from being backup, return 0 means the file needs backup, return -1 means pass to next filter, if all filter return -1, then it means the file needs backup

    • g:ZFBackup_backupFilterEnableDefault : whether enable the default filter, which use ZSaberLv0/ZFVimIgnore to filter, default: 1

      to specify custom ignore for ZFBackup only:

      if !exists('g:ZFIgnoreData')
          let g:ZFIgnoreData = {}
      let g:ZFIgnoreData['MyCustomIgnore'] = {
                  \   'ZFBackup' : {
                  \     'file' : {
                  \       '*.png' : 1,
                  \     },
                  \     'dir' : {
                  \     },
                  \   },
                  \ }
  • g:ZFBackup_includeTempname : whether backup files created by tempname(), default: 0

  • g:ZFBackup_maxFileSize : if file large than this size, do not backup, default: 2 * 1024 * 1024 (2MB)

  • g:ZFBackup_maxBackupPerFile : max number of backups for one file, default: 10

  • g:ZFBackup_maxBackup : max number of backups, default: 500

  • g:ZFBackup_autoClean : auto clean outdated backup, use 0 to disable auto clean, default: 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 (7 day)


more convenient file backup util for vim







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