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terminal inside vim, inspired from mattn/vim-terminal

if you like my work, check here for a list of my vim plugins, or buy me a coffee


  • Compared to Vim8's :terminal

    • low dependency, require +channel only, easily works on Windows, both cmd.exe or Cygwin bash
      • fallback to system() if +channel not supported
    • all keymaps works inside terminal window
    • easily to copy command output
  • Compared to mattn/vim-terminal

    • support NeoVim
    • use vim's :command complete to input shell commands, should be more friendly to use


  • (required) v:version >= 703, older version may work, but not tested
  • (optional) has('channel') for async shell run

How to use

  1. use Vundle or any other plugin manager you like to install

    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimJob' " required for job impl
    Plugin 'ZSaberLv0/ZFVimTerminal'
    " recommended key map
    nnoremap <leader>zs :ZFTerminal<space>
  2. use :ZFTerminal [your_cmd] to run terminal, use <tab> to complete command or file names

    • take care of special chars of vim cmdline, :h cmdline-special
  3. <esc> to quit input, you may visual select and copy the text inside the terminal window

  4. use i/I/a/A/o/O to start input again

  5. use q to kill and close terminal, we would create new terminal session for next :ZFTerminal call

  6. use x to hide terminal, we would use existing terminal session for next :ZFTerminal call

  7. during editing the shell command, you may also use this keymap cnoremap :: <c-c>q:k$ to edit the command itself quickly


  • g:ZFVimTerminal_shell

    which shell to use, default:

    let g:ZFVimTerminal_shell = ''

    when empty, we would try to detect a proper one, possible values:

    • cmd : for Windows
    • sh : for Windows Cygwin
    • sh --login : for others
  • g:ZFVimTerminal_windowConfig

    terminal window's config, see Log window for more info

    those keymaps would be made by default

    nnoremap <buffer> i :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> I :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> o :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> O :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> a :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> A :<c-u>ZFTerminal<space>
    nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :<c-u>ZFTerminal<cr>
    nnoremap <buffer> p :<c-u>ZFTerminal <c-r>"
    nnoremap <buffer> P :<c-u>ZFTerminal <c-r>"
    nnoremap <buffer> q :ZFTerminalClose<cr>
    nnoremap <buffer> x :ZFTerminalHide<cr>
    nnoremap <buffer> <c-c> :ZFTerminalCtrlC<cr>

    you may add your own keymaps by:

    autocmd FileType ZFTerminal nnoremap <buffer> q :ZFTerminalClose<cr>
  • g:ZFVimTerminalCompatibleMode

    whether run in compatible mode, default: 0

    when run in compatible, we use system() instead of job to run shell

  • g:ZFVimTerminal_autoDetectShellEnd

    whether use special tricks to detect shell command end, default:

    let g:ZFVimTerminal_autoDetectShellEnd = 1

    when on, we use echo to output special string to detect whether user input command has end, if any strange things occurred, you may disable this feature

  • g:ZFVimTerminal_autoEnterInsert

    whether auto enter insert mode after running a command, default:

    let g:ZFVimTerminal_autoEnterInsert = 1
  • g:ZFVimTerminal_termEncoding / g:ZFVimTerminal_termEncodingCompatible

    the encoding of your terminal, default:

    let g:ZFVimTerminal_termEncoding = 'auto'

    when not empty, we would try to convert encoding by iconv() to &encoding, see :h encoding-values for possible value, see also :h termencoding

    use 'auto' to enable auto detect:

    • for Windows without sh executable, try to detect by chcp
    • otherwise, utf-8 would be used
  • g:ZFVimTerminal_shellPrefix / g:ZFVimTerminal_shellPrefixCompatible

    shell prefix, can be string or function()

  • g:ZFVimTerminal_CRFix

    how to resolve \r, default is clearLine, posible values:

    • clearLine : same as default shell, clear current line
    • newLine : treat \r as \n
    • keep : do not modify, keep original