I now use and recommend SuperSlicer! I use SuperSlicer over Cura for these reasons: (Note I think most of these apply to it's ancestors PrusaSlicer and Slic3r as well):
- Object level settings when printing multiple objects at once:
- Adaptive layer height is not applied globally
- Set different perimeter count, shell thickness, etc for each object
- Cutting corners feature minimizes corner bulge
- Paint on supports - only support where you want to
- Double ironing! I don't think it's benificial if you're ironing is well tuned but I use it anyway :)
- Internal bridge under top shell. This I think is superior to cura's (excellent) gradual infill steps feature, because that can have anchoring issues.
My main cura profiles (settings)
- Toggling support on/off (overhang quality vs time and material cost)
- Adaptive layers topography size (overhang quality vs time)
- extra infill wall count (strength vs time & material cost/weight)
- iron spacing (surface quality vs time)
- outer wall acceleration (corner sharpness vs time)