Please visit the website for Racing+ or subscribe to the mod on the Steam Workshop.
This is the mod for Racing+, a Binding of Isaac: Repentance racing platform. Normally a single player game, the mod, client, and server allow players to be able to race each other in real time.
This mod is written using IsaacScript.
See also:
- Mod changes
- Race formats
- Custom challenges (i.e. multi-character speedruns)
- Version history on GitHub
- Version history on the Steam Workshop
- Known bugs
You may also be interested in the client repository or the server repository.
Racing+ is open source and anyone can help contribute to make the mod better. If you are interested in helping, this section will help you get started. If you get stuck, post a message in the #development
channel on the Isaac Racing Discord server.
- Before working with this repository, you should first become a familiar with IsaacScript. Follow the steps on the IsaacScript getting started documentation. Once you have created a test mod and verified in-game that everything works the way it should, read on.
- Download and install Git, if you do not have it already.
- Open a new command prompt window. (Or, feel free to use Windows Terminal, PowerShell, Git Bash, etc.)
- Configure Git, if you have not done so already:
git config --global "Your_Username"
git config --global ""
- Fork the repository by clicking on the button in the top-right-hand-corner of the repository page.
- Clone your forked repository:
cd [the path where you want the code to live]
(optional)- If you already have an SSH key pair and have the public key attached to your GitHub profile, then use the following command to clone the repository via SSH:
git clone[username]/racing-plus.git
- (Replace "[username]" with your GitHub username.)
- If you do not already have an SSH key pair, then use the following command to clone the repository via HTTPS:
git clone[username]/racing-plus.git
- (Replace "[username]" with your GitHub username.)
- Enter the cloned repository:
cd racing-plus
- Install Yarn, if you have not done so already:
corepack enable
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Run IsaacScript, which will compile the mod and copy it to your "mods" folder:
npx isaacscript