Make sure you have the latest version of the Xcode command line tools installed:
xcode-select --install
For fastlane installation instructions, see Installing fastlane
[bundle exec] fastlane android generic
Building generic by json configuration
[bundle exec] fastlane android buildWithJson
Build flavor with json config
[bundle exec] fastlane android distributeApp
Distribute app
[bundle exec] fastlane android teamsNotification
Teams message to teams_web_hook
[bundle exec] fastlane android uploadGooglePlay
Upload aab to google play
[bundle exec] fastlane android buildAab
Generate specific flavor to build, by security can't make all flavors, because some of them are pointing to develop
[bundle exec] fastlane android importLoco
Configuracion importLoco lane: La configuración usada para importar los archivos de Loco a Android debe estar en /buildsystem/localise.json, seguir este formato.
"locales" : [ "es", "en", "fr" ],
"directory" : "library/core/src/main/res",
"format": ".xml",
"platform" : "android",
"key" : "ixjxISxkw_YD0MZIlPDK6g1Miils2JEK",
"fallback" : "en"
Comando docker para ejecutar el script:
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/project mingc/android-build-box bash -c 'cd /project; fastlane importLoco'
También es recomendable crearse un Makefile para mas comodidad. Contenido del Makefile:
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/project mingc/android-build-box bash -c 'cd /project; fastlane importLoco'
Se puede indicar la configuración que se quiere utilizar, por ejemplo:
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/project mingc/android-build-box bash -c 'cd /project; fastlane importLoco conf_file:./buildsystem/localise-mdm.json'
De esta forma podemos tener varios modulos con diferentes configuraciones de localización. Importándolas todas desde un solo comando. Ejemplo:
import-loco: import-mycardio import-mdm
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/project mingc/android-build-box bash -c 'cd /project; fastlane importLoco conf_file:./buildsystem/localise-mycardio.json'
docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/project mingc/android-build-box bash -c 'cd /project; fastlane importLoco conf_file:./buildsystem/localise-mdm.json'
Esto es extensible infinitamente.
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run.
More information about fastlane can be found on
The documentation of fastlane can be found on