An easy-to-use C build system for Windows, written in C++.
CBuild is simple to setup and will automatically keep track of any source files that needs to be rebuilt.
Supported compilers: gcc, avr-gcc
In order to use CBuild, simply download the latest release and include it in your PATH
environment variable (optional, but recommended).
Next, create a .cbuild
file in the root directory of your project and include the following:
//Basic example of using CBuild.
set_compiler "gcc"; //Specifies what C compiler to use. (defaults to gcc)
set_project_name "Tutorial"; //Specifies the project name.
add_src_dirs "src; //Specifies one or multiple directories of source files.
set_obj_output "obj"; //Specifies the output of directory the compiled obj files.
set_build_output "bin"; //Specifies the directory of the final binary/library.
set_build_name "tutorial"; //Specifies the name of the final binary/library.
Refer to the Command List for a list of all commands.
In order to build your project, open a command prompt in the same directory as your .cbuild
file and run cbuild 'name_of_build_file'
-fr/force_rebuild - Forces CBuild to rebuild every source file.
-release - Compiles in release mode (defaults to debug mode).
-pcmds - Prints out the compiler's build commands.
set_compiler "name" - What C compiler to use. (default: gcc, supports: gcc, avr-gcc)
set_compiler_dir "dir" - Directory of compiler binaries.
set_project_name "name" - Project name. (only used internally by CBuild)
set_build_type "type" - Build type. (default: binary, supports: binary, static_lib)
set_build_output "dir" - Output directory of build.
set_obj_output "dir" - Directory of compiled obj files.
set_precompiled_header/set_pch "header_file" - Optional precompiled header file. CBuild will scan the source directories to find the header file if you don't specify the path.
set_run_binary true/false - Whether or not to run the executable after building.
add_src_dirs "dir1" "dir2" ... - Add one or more directories of source files.
add_src_files "file1" "file2" ... - Add one of more source files.
add_incl_dirs "dir1" "dir2" ... - Add one or more include directories.
add_lib_dirs "dir1" "dir2" ... - Add one or more library directories.
add_static_libs "lib1" "lib2" ... - Add one or more static libraries.
set_avr_mcu "mcu" - The AVR microcontroller that is being used.
set_atmel_studio_dir "dir" - Directory of Atmel Studio binaries.
- Support for more compilers (clang is currently in the works).
- Support for dynamic libraries.