Have you ever wanted to make your own (speaking) language, but never had the mindset or creativity to do so?
Language Generator Makes it Easy!
Language Generator takes words of different languages and combines them in a new word. Do this with many words-- and BOOM! You have a your own language!
Language 1: English
Language 2: German
Language 3: Latin
Language 4:
Language 5:
English Word: Pencil
German Word: Bleistift
Latin Word: Plumbum
New Word: Pluisu
Go Again (y/n)?
^ return n to halt program
Lang-Gen is still is early dev. Here are some upcoming updates:
- Add text dump file to save new words to
- Implement bulk generation options
- Add option to regenerate new word using same criteria
- Make specified amount of lang inputs available
if you want any other features, submit an issue or PR
Language Generator is owned and operated by Zer0 2022