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Zeromaniac edited this page May 18, 2023 · 5 revisions

➥ Versioning

Please note that MDH is meant to be used on 1.19+ servers that use either spigot or spigot fork. If you decide to try MDH on older or non-spigot based servers, you may or may not run into issues. MDH does not run a specific version check on the server itself. However, it expects API version 1.19 and it's dependencies to be present.

➥ Preparation

In order to avoid unnecessary github issues and reports at wrong places, you are to install all of MDH's dependencies first and run them without error before installing MDH. Most issues reported during times of active support were due to other plugins not running, that MDH or another plugin needs. As already mentioned, MDH HARD DEPENDS on the LATEST version of DiscordSRV and InteractiveChatDiscordSRVAddon. Here, you must note that ICDA is an addon for InteractiveChat, and does not run all by itself. It also requires PlaceholderAPI as well as Protocol Lib. LOOHP's plugins print error messages about missing dependencies and version mismatches 10 times into console - missing those requires an insane amount of ignorance. Issues opened on this github that are due to dependency errors will be closed without warning. Once you have DiscordSRV and InteractiveChatDiscordSRVAddon and their dependencies running without problems, you may install MDH and restart your server once more.


You can find the latest download for MDH here

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