This repository contains all course materials for distributed systems given by MIT, including
- lecture notes
- papers for each lecture
- lab solutions written in Golang
Concepts and general techniques of distributed systems introduced by this course
- MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters
- structure: single master + multiple workers
- job: each worker processes a task at a time
- map task:
map(k1, v1) -> list(k2 v2)
- reduce task:
reduce(k2, list(v2)) -> list(v2)
- map task:
- fault tolerance: master restarts failed task
- example
- word count
- distributed grep
Go, RPC, threads
GFS: Google File System
- structure: single master + chunk servers
- each file is split into 64MB chunks and spread over chunk servers for fault-tolerance and parallel performance
- read steps
- record append steps
- weak consistency: no guarantee for a same record order, failed append could be visible
- VM-FT: primary/backup replication for fault tolerance of VMware virtual machine
- failure kind: fail-stop
- two main replication approaches:
- state tranfer: simpler
- replicated state machine: less network bandwith
- log entry: instruction #, type, data
- deterministic:
val = x + y
- non-deterministic: timer interrupt, network package arrival etc. may cause divergence
- deterministic:
- output rule: before primary sends output, must wait for backup to acknowledge all previous log entries
- Go concurrency control
- channel
- mutex
- time
- condition variable
- go memory model
- 7.Raft: understandable distributed consensus algorithm
- split brain problem
- idea:
- leader election
- log replication
- log compaction (snapshot)
- ZooKeeper: wait-free coordination for internet-scale systems
- idea: a system like Raft but allows read from local replicas and to yield stale data
- linearizable writes: clients' writes are serialized by the leader
- FIFO client order: each client specifies an order for its operations (reads and writes)
- general-purpose coordination service: a file-system-like tree of znodes and a set of API
- distributed lock without Herd Effect
- configuration master
- test-and-set for distributed systems
- CRAQ: chain replication with apportioned queries
- Chain Replication (CR): head for write, tail for read. Good for simplicity, load-balancing compared to Raft
- apportioned queries: read from any intermidiate node
- each replica stores a list of versions per object, one clean + other dirty
- write: create new dirty version as write passes through, turn to clean as ACK passes back
- read: reply if the latest version is clean; if dirty, ask tail for lastest version number
Aurora: Amazon's cloud database
Frangipani: a scalable distributed file system
- Petal: a fault-tolerant virtual disk storage service
- performance: caching with cache coherence protocol
- write-back scheme
- lock server (LS):
request grant revoke release
- crash recovery:
- write-ahead log in Petal that other workstations (WS) can read and recover
- lock leases: LS only takes back lock and recovers log after lease expires
- Distributed Transaction: concurrency control + atomic commit
- ACID: correct behavior of a transaction: Atomic, Consistent, Isolated (serializable), Durable
- Pessimistic Concurrency Control: acquire locks before access
- Two-phase Locking (2PL): RW locks
- Two-phase Commit (2PC): transaction coordinator,
- Spanner: Google's global replicated database
- External Consistency: strong consistency, usually linearizability
- transaction:
- RW transaction: two-phase commit with Paxos-replicated participants
- RO transactions: Snapshot Isolation, i.e. assign every transaction a time-stamp, and each replica stores multiple time-stamped versions of each record. No locking or 2pc, much faster
- clock synchronization
- Goolge's time reference system
- TrueTime: return an interval = [earliest, latest]
- two rules: start rule, commit wait
- FaRM: high performance distributed storage system with RDMA and OCC
- Fast RPC:
- Kernel Bypass: application directly interacts with NIC, toolkit
is provided - RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) NIC: handles all R/W of applications, has its own reliable transfer protocal
- Kernel Bypass: application directly interacts with NIC, toolkit
- Optimistic Concurrency Control: read - bufferd write - validation - commit / abort
- execution phase: read - buffered write
- commit phase: (write) lock - (read) validation - commit backup - commit primary
- Spark: a fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing
- RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets): in-memory partitions of read-only data
- execution:
- transformations:
map filter join
lazy - actions:
count collect save
- transformations:
- fault-tolerance: lineage graph holds dependancy of RDDs, re-execute if fails
- application:
- PageRank
- ML tasks
- Generalized MapReduce
- Memcached at Facebook: struggle betwwen performance and consisency with
technique in server structure
- architecture evolution of Web service
- performance consistency trade-off
- memcache: data cache between front end and back end servers
- look-aside (compared to look-through cache)
- on write: invalidate instead of update
- lease: stress 2 problems
- stale data: memcache holds stale data indefinitely
- thundering herd: intensive write and read to the same key
- cold cache warmup
- COPS: scalable causal consistency for wide-area storage
- ALPS system: Availability, low Latency, Partition-tolerance, high Scalability
- CAP Theorem: strong consistency, availability and partition-tolerance can not all be achieved
- consistency models:
> causal > FIFO
linearizability (strong consistency) > sequential > causal+
> per-key sequential > eventual
- causal+ consistency: causal consistency + convergent conflict handling
- implementation:
- overview: client library and data storage nodes per data center
- version: Lamport Logical Clock
- dependency: records potential causality
- conflict handling: default last-writer-wins
- Certificate Transparency (CT)
- man-in-the-middle attack: before 1995
- digital signature
- digital certificate: SSL HTTPS TLS
- certificate transparency
- motivation: some certificate authorities (CA) becomes mallicious
- idea: allow certificates to be public for audit via a public CT log system
- implementation:
- Merkle Tree: inclusion proof,consistency proof
- gossip: monitors and browsers compare sign tree head (STH) to check consistency in case of fork attack
- Bitcoin
- decentralized ledger
- block chain
- best explaination on Youtube
- Blockstack: an effort to re-decentralize the internet, e.g. DNS, PKI, storage backend
- decentralized apps: move ownership of data into user's hands instead of service provider
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): map names to data locations and public keys, essensial system for secure internet apps. Yet no global PKI has been implemented
- Zooko's triangle: unique-global, human-readable, decentralized PKI is hard to achieve