1D and 2D FULL FEM implementation with docs
N dimensional FEM implementation for M variables per node problems.
Using pre implemented equations
Avaliable equations:
- 1D 1 Variable ordinary diferential equation
- 1D 2 Variable Euler Bernoulli Beams [TODO]
- 1D 2 Variable Timoshenko Beams [TODO]
- 2D 1 Variable Torsion
- 2D 2 Variable Plane Strees
- 2D 2 Variable Plane Strain
- Create geometry (From coordinates or GiD)
- Create Border Conditions (Point and segment supported)
- Solve!
- For example: Test 2, Test 5, Test 11-14
Example without geometry file (Test 2):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import libraries
import FEM #import AFEM
from FEM import Mesh #Import Meshing tools
#Define some variables with geometric properties
a = 0.3
b = 0.3
tw = 0.05
tf = 0.05
#Define material constants
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E / (2 * (1 + v))
phi = 1 #Rotation angle
#Define domain coordinates
vertices = [
[0, 0],
[a, 0],
[a, tf],
[a / 2 + tw / 2, tf],
[a / 2 + tw / 2, tf + b],
[a, tf + b],
[a, 2 * tf + b],
[0, 2 * tf + b],
[0, tf + b],
[a / 2 - tw / 2, tf + b],
[a / 2 - tw / 2, tf],
[0, tf],
#Define triangulation parameters with `_strdelaunay` method.
params = Mesh.Delaunay._strdelaunay(constrained=True, delaunay=True,
a='0.00003', o=2)
#**Create** geometry using triangulation parameters. Geometry can be imported from .msh files.
geometry = Mesh.Delaunay1V(vertices, params)
#Save geometry to .msh file
#Create torsional 2D analysis.
O = FEM.Torsion2D(geometry, G, phi)
#Solve the equation in domain.
#Post process and show results
Example with geometry file (Test 2):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import libraries
import FEM #import AFEM
from FEM import Mesh #Import Meshing tools
#Define material constants.
E = 200000
v = 0.27
G = E / (2 * (1 + v))
phi = 1 #Rotation angle
#Load geometry with file.
geometry = Mesh.Geometry.loadmsh('I_test.msh')
#Create torsional 2D analysis.
O = FEM.Torsion2D(geometry, G, phi)
#Solve the equation in domain.
#Post process and show results