ngx_http_expr_module - lazy computed complex variables.
This library is production ready.
Module makes possible declare complex variables with lazy computation. This is may be used to choose access_log format dynamically.
http {
log_format main $format;
access_log logs/access.log main;
expr_max_hash_size 10240;
server {
listen 4444;
location /test1 {
expr $format '1111 $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $request_time $upstream_addr';
return 200 test1;
location /test2 {
expr $format '2222 $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $request_time $upstream_addr';
return 200 test2;
location /test3 {
expr $format '3333 $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $request_time $upstream_addr';
echo_exec @inner1;
location @inner1 {
echo_exec @inner2;
location @inner2 {
return 200 $uri;
- syntax:
expr_if_empty $var <complex value>
- context:
Declare complex variable with lazy computation.
In runtime set value if variable is empty.
Directive is not support inheritance.
- syntax:
expr $var <complex value>
- context:
Declare complex variable with lazy computation.
Directive is not support inheritance.
- syntax:
expr $var <complex value>
- default: 1024
- minimum: 256
- context:
Maximum number of locations per variable.