The most up-to-date documentation for this library is the presentation I made at the Deducteam seminar (April, 2017) (whose sources you can find in the slides-deducteam branch of this repository). The README below hasn't been updated for a longer period.
This library helps you working seamlessly with several representations for the same objects, switching from one to another when doing proofs and easily transferring theorems across representations.
A typical workflow would be the following:
- You define two new types and a few functions on them.
- You relate the two types and their functions by adequate transfer declarations.
- You prove your theorems only once (on the most suited representation)
and if you need to use them on the other representation, instead of
exact my_thm
, you doexactm my_thm
and the library takes care of the transfer. - Similarly, you can use
applym my_thm
instead ofapply my_thm
but it is not guaranteed to work with any type of theorem. - Finally, if you have defined your transfer rules properly, you may
also be able to change your current proof goal from one representation
to the other by doing
(this may not work well if you have more than two related representations). This way of using the transfer library was inspired by Isabelle'stransfer'
First, you need to define a relation between the two types you
are considering:
R : A -> B -> Prop
If you are given a function from one type to the other, say f : A -> B
you may define R x y := f x = y
Then you need to declare properties of this relation, such as injectivity (right-uniqueness), functionality (left-uniqueness), surjectivity (right-totality) and (left-)totality.
The corresponding declarations should look like this:
Instance injectivity_of_R : Related (R ##> R ##> flip impl) (@eq A) (@eq B).
Instance functionality_of_R : Related (R ##> R ##> impl) (@eq A) (@eq B).
Instance surjectivity_of_R : Related ((R ##> impl) ##> impl) (@all A) (@all B).
Instance totality_of_R : Related ((R ##> flip impl) ##> flip impl) (@all A) (@all B).
Respectful.v contains theorems relating these kinds of declarations to more familiar statements.
If some of these properties are not true for relation R
, it may be possible to
prove variants, for instance replacing equality with another equivalence
or universal quantification with some bounded quantification.
If all these properties are true, then they can be expressed in a simpler way in only two properties:
Instance bitotal_R : Related ((R ##> iff) ##> iff) (@all A) (@all B).
Instance biunique_R : Related (R ##> R ##> iff) (@eq A) (@eq B).
Here are some examples of such declarations:
Instance compat_with_binary_op : Related (R ##> R ##> R) bin_op_A bin_op_B.
Instance compat_with_internal_function : Related (R ##> R) fun_A fun_B.
Instance compat_with_external_function : Related (R ##> eq) fun_from_A fun_from_B.
Instance compat_with_binary_relation_one_way : Related (R ##> R ##> impl) bin_rel_A bin_rel_B.
Instance compat_with_binary_relation_other_way : Related (R ##> R ##> flip impl) bin_rel_A bin_rel_B.
NB: for now, all these declarations will be good only for transferring
theorems from A
to B
. If you need to go both ways, you should
add the corresponding reversed declarations, even when they are equivalent.
For instance:
Instance compat_with_binary_op' : Related (flip R ##> flip R ##> flip R) bin_op_B bin_op_A.
You can see examples of transferred theorems in NArithTests.v.
When two theorems have the same form but for related objects (in particular, quantification is
on two different types), you can prove only one of them and use
exactm my_proved_thm
to get a proof of the other.
This will unify the current goal with my_proved_thm
modulo some known relations
(previously declared as instances of Related
is a very general theorem:
modulo : ?t -> ?u
?t : [ |- Prop]
?u : [ |- Prop]
?class : [ |- Related impl ?t ?u]
By calling it through exactm thm
which is just sugar for exact (modulo thm)
you are providing it with the values
of ?t
and ?u
and it just has to infer a proof of Related impl ?t ?u
from the known Related
Another use however is to call transfer
(just sugar for apply modulo
inside a proof development, thus
providing ?u
but not ?t
. In some cases, it will be able to also infer
the value of ?t
and leave you with a transformed goal, thus effectively
operating a change of representation.
Since it is a more complicated task, it might also fail, or leave you a transformed
goal which does not correspond to what you wanted (in particular when your type
is related to several other types).
Here is an example of how it can be used to go beyond exactm thm)
Require Import NArithTransfer.
Goal forall x1 y1 z1 : N, x1 = y1 -> N.add x1 z1 = N.add y1 z1.
transfer. (* Now the goal is: forall x x0 x1 : nat, x = x0 -> x + x1 = x0 + x1 *)
Check f_equal2_plus. (* f_equal2_plus : forall x1 y1 x2 y2 : nat, x1 = y1 -> x2 = y2 -> x1 + x2 = y1 + y2 *)
apply f_equal2_plus; trivial.
There is an implementation problem which makes it difficult handling theorems where there is no implication under the quantifiers. To work around this limitation, it may be useful to insert dummy hypotheses as in the following example:
Require Import NArithTransfer.
(** ** Basic specifications : pred add sub mul *)
Goal forall n, N.pred (N.succ n) = n.
enough (forall n, True -> N.pred (N.succ n) = n) by firstorder. (* Adding dummy hypothesis *)
trasnfer. (* Now the goal is: forall n : nat, True -> Nat.pred (S n) = n *)
intros n _.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.pred_succ.
- Zimmermann T. and Herbelin H. Automatic and Transparent Transfer of Theorems along Isomorphisms in the Coq Proof Assistant. Presented at CICM 2015 (work-in-progress track). Read it on HAL or on arXiv.
NB: you can find the plugin described in this paper in the plugin branch of this repository.