- ocs2_ros2
- mujoco
git clone https://github.com/coin-or/qpOASES.git
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install
is necessary. If you already installed qpOASES without this option, you need to reinstall it
mujoco should be installed by building from source.
- Clone the mujoco repository:
git clone https://github.com/deepmind/mujoco.git
- Cd in mujoco path, reate a new build directory and cd into it:
cd mujoco
mkdir build && cd build
- Configure the build, build and install
cmake ..
sudo make install
- Clone repository:
mkdir -p mujoco_ocs2_ros2_ws/src
cd src
git clone https://github.com/Zionshang/mujoco_ocs2_quadruped_controller.git
- Cd in ros workspace and build
cd mujoco_ocs2_ros2_ws
colcon build
- Open a terminal to launch the mujoco emulator
ros2 launch mujoco_simulator mujoco.launch.py
- Open a terminal to run controller
ros2 launch ocs2_quadruped_controller controller.launch.py
- Enter the control command in the terminal that receives the keyboard command
r,f : control body height
1 : stance gait
2 : trot gait
3 : walk trot gait
4 : fly trot gait
w,a,b,d : linear velocity control
j,l : yaw velocity control