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Utility AI for Unity is a good solution for choosing an action based on different utility considerations. Usually, it's used for AI.


This repo is a regular Unity package. You can install it as your project dependency. More here:


Core types

  • Brain - main class for Utility AI system.
  • Action - base class for actions, classes that interact somehow with the world.
  • Consideration - base class for considerations, classes that compute utilities based on different formulas.


With regular c# code

Action and Consideration classes have different create methods. Use them to create needed instances of classes. Next, create Brain with its constructor. You should pass arrays of actions and considerations with binding arrays and other settings.

LinearConsideration linearConsideration = Consideration.Create<LinearConsideration, float, float, float, string>(1f, 0f, 1f, "x");
QuadraticConsideration quadraticConsideration = Consideration.Create<QuadraticConsideration, float, float, float, float, string>(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f, "y");
LogarithmicConsideration logarithmicConsideration = Consideration.Create<LogarithmicConsideration, float, float, float, float, string>(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, "z");
var considerations = new Consideration[] { linearConsideration, quadraticConsideration, logarithmicConsideration };

SetStructValueAction<int> set0Action = Action.Create<SetStructValueAction<int>, int, string>(0, "value");
SetStructValueAction<int> set1Action = Action.Create<SetStructValueAction<int>, int, string>(1, "value");
var actions = new Action[] { set0Action, set1Action };

int[][] bindings = { new[] { 0, 1 }, new[] { 1, 2 } };

Blackboard blackboard = GetBlackboard();
BrainSettings brainSettings = GetSettings();

var brain = new Brain(considerations, actions, bindings, blackboard, brainSettings);

It may be a little complicated to manage all those arrays and index bindings. So, that's why there's BrainBuilder to help. Add an action with AddAction() method, next add all its considerations with AddConsideration() method, repeat till all the actions with their considerations are added, and finally call Build() to get a Brain. If you need to use the same consideration in many actions, add it to all the needed actions - BrainBuilder can identify equal considerations and actually build only one.

The same BrainBuilder may build many times - it always creates a new Brain with new actions and considerations.

var builder = new BrainBuilder();

builder.AddAction<SetStructValueAction<int>, int, string>(0, "value");
builder.AddConsideration<LinearConsideration, float, float, float, string>(1f, 0f, 1f, "x");
builder.AddConsideration<QuadraticConsideration, float, float, float, float, string>(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f, "y");

builder.AddAction<SetStructValueAction<int>, int, string>(1, "value");
builder.AddConsideration<QuadraticConsideration, float, float, float, float, string>(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f, "y");
builder.AddConsideration<LogarithmicConsideration, float, float, float, float, string>(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f, "z");

Blackboard blackboard = GetBlackboard();
BrainSettings brainSettings = GetSettings();

Brain brain = builder.Build(blackboard, brainSettings);

The library supports a default Unity serialization based on scriptable objects. Also, this method provides a custom inspector to create and edit utility AI brains.

To create a serialized utility AI brain, you need to click Assets/Create/Utility AI/Serialized Brain in the Unity interface. After that, select the created asset and edit it in the inspector.

The type of the serialized behavior tree asset is SerializedBrain. Call a method CreateBrain() on a valid asset to get a new created utility AI brain. You can call this method multiple times and get a new identical utility AI brain every time.



UtilityAIAgent is a Unity component that wraps all the logic around Brain. You need to add it to any game object and set links to a serialized brain and a blackboard component.



The work of a Brain may be configured with BrainSettings. The settings may be passed as an argument in a Brain constructor or in a method Build() of a BrainBuilder. The settings are also available in the interface of a SerializedBrain.


  • Minimal Utility Difference - utility difference between a new Action and current one required by Brain to switch to it.


Brain doesn't do anything by itself. You need to call Brain.Tick() to make it do something. But you must call Brain.Initialize() before a first tick and Brain.Dispose() after a last tick. If you use a UtilityAIAgent, you don't have an access to the private Brain and you need to call UtilityAIAgent.Tick() or use one of UtilityAIAgentTickers. They are Unity components and automatically call UtilityAIAgent.Tick() and other methods in different loops.




You can add your custom actions and considerations. You need to inherit Action or Consideration accordingly. You mustn't add a constructor to your custom behavior. They must have only a default constructor. To get a constructor functionality, implement an ISetupable interface. After that you already can use your behavior in code. But to serialize it, you need to inherit SerializedAction or SerializedConsideration accordingly.

  • NameOverrideAttribute - add it to a serialized behavior class and set a name of a setup argument. For every argument you need to add an instance of the attribute. If a serialized argument doesn't have such an attribute, it's drawn with a generic name.


BrainDebugInfo is a class that represent a state of a Brain. It may be filled with info with a method Brain.FillDebugInfo().

Editor of a UtilityAIAgent uses BrainDebugInfo and draws that information in the inspector.



This library automatically logs different messages via Unity log. You can control it with defines from UtilityAIDebug: UTILITY_AI_LOG, UTILITY_AI_WARNING and UTILITY_AI_ERROR.