Make every hour count with this simple Daily Planner App. You can keep track of all important appointments during a normal 9-5 work day!
User Story:
- AS AN employee with a busy schedule
- I WANT to add important events to a daily planner
- SO THAT I can manage my time effectively
Project Summary:
- The current day and time is displayed at the top of the calendar when a user opens the planner
- Timeblocks are dynamically created for the standard work day, 9am to 5pm
- Each timeblock is colour coded based on past (red), present (blue), and future (green)
- The user can enter an appointment on each timeblock
- When a user clicks the save button, the corresponding appointment is saved to localStorage, a save notification is displayed and an audio confirmation alert is played
- If a page is refreshed, the saved appointment is displayed in the relevant timeblock
During this project I learned how to:
- Use third-party API's such as jQuery and Moment.js to dynamically update a web page
- Implement DOM manipulation strategies using the jQuery library
- Create time-based operations using Moment.js