Releases: ZupIT/horusec
Releases · ZupIT/horusec
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.9.0-beta.3
Full Changelog: v2.9.0-beta.2...v2.9.0-beta.3
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.9.0-beta.2
Full Changelog: v2.9.0-beta.1...v2.9.0-beta.2
- 5efcc7a: java:feature - Add Rule for CVE-2022-21724 (#1033) (@wiliansilvazup)
- d309b63: docs:feat - Security Policies (#1052) (@lucasbrunozup)
- e5a7fd0: rules:feat - adding rule to spring framework rce (#1053) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 602e40a: roadmap:feat - Public Roadmap (#1055) (@wiliansilvazup)
Bug fixes
- 3b6822c: sarif:bugfix - removing version prefix (#1019) (@nathanmartinszup)
- f6bfb74: goreleaser:bugfix - adding release auto (#1027) (@nathanmartinszup)
- dcdcdf8: utils/file:fix - missing {HORUSEC_CLI} prefix and typo on log debug (#1025) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- f4d13a6: docker:fix - missing image name on debug log (#1026) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 4ff44db: horusec:fix - Errors reported in v2.8.0-beta.1 (#1050) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 39d4c9c: analyzer:fix - Fixing details wrong (#1054) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 8fb0125: e2e:hotfix - Fixing problems on e2e and github files (#1084) (@wiliansilvazup)
- d1be5f9: formatters:chore - normalize not found files warn message (#1023) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 358fd4a: formatters/ruby:chore - removing unnecessary error messages (#1024) (@nathanmartinszup)
- a3efede: csharp:chore - Improvements on safe and unsafe code in csharp (#1037) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 71b07db: dart:chore - Adding improvements on dart rules (#1038) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 630a870: javascript::chore - Adding improvements on javascript rules (#1043) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 7e5a606: k8s:chore - Adding improvements on k8s rules (#1039) (@wiliansilvazup)
- ae78215: leaks:chore - Adding improvements on leaks rules (#1040) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6184e55: swift:chore - Adding improvements on swift rules (#1042) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 08734c1: nginx:chore - Adding improvements on nginx rules (#1041) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6fa62e4: custom_rules:chore - Refactored tests for custom_rules to table tests (#1049) (@Adam88morris)
- 2d9d7e7: java:chore - Adding improvements on Java Rules (#1048) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 940debf: scs: bugfix - att outdated chsharp sdk on horusec-engine-csharp (#1022) (@iancardosozup)
- c7af3b3: This commit implements vulnerable and safe samples for the javascript rules. (#1051) (@lucasbrunozup)
- 38d249d: Increased all XXE severities in Java Rules to High (#1056) (@gustavomarinhozup)
- 68a999b: Added CAPEC and CWE to Clipboard findings (#1060) (@gustavomarinhozup)
- a8aab11: feat:deps - Update dependancy files (#1085) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 00bcca1: fixing pipeline (@guilhermepaulozup)
- 2101949: fixing build pipeline (@guilhermepaulozup)
- b532d4b: fixing releases pipelines (@guilhermepaulozup)
- c38d1c5: fixing release-alpha pipeline (@guilhermepaulozup)
- f807fde: fixing releases pipelines (@guilhermepaulozup)
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.9.0-beta.1
Full Changelog: v2.8.0-beta.2...v2.9.0-beta.1
- f0df9f4: docker:feature - Validate Docker version from the Docker API (#965) (@luiguip)
- 522076a: cli:feat - add SARIF output support (#946) (@anthturner)
- df2e20c: hash:feature - new hash format and handle the future depreciations (#996) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 578e883: workflow:feat - Automating the release notes (#997) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6e052fb: java:feature - Add Rule for CVE-2022-21724 (#1033) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 2c11096: rules:feat - adding rule to spring framework rce (#1053) (@nathanmartinszup)
- a615329: docs:feat - Security Policies (#1052) (@lucasbrunozup)
Bug fixes
- 1bfe223: install/sh:bugfix - updating install sh to install latest if more recent (#913) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 9245d7d: bundler:fix - correctly parse output error (#921) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- e263056: formatters:fix - not show which tool generate the error (#932) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 0a2ecee: trivy:bugfix - adding func to avoid hash changes in trivy formatter (#929) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 73511f0: engine/swift:bugfix - improving HS-SWIFT-24 rule to avoid false positives (#930) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 18e8b89: formatters/tfsec:bugfix - vulnerabilities were being ignored due missing severity (#934) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 87673d1: engine/leaks:bugfix - improving leaks rule 26 (#972) (@nathanmartinszup)
- c4184c5: engines/jvm:fix - false positives on base64 encode/decode (#974) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 22acb2b: dockerfile:fix - update and upgrade packages (#977) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 0c1e691: commitAuthors:bugfix - fix when pass invalid line to SetCommitAuthors and changed formatters error handling approach (#978) (@iancardosozup)
- b6d92cd: dockerfiles:bugfix - adding no cache flag (#982) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 1b9673d: dockerfiles:bugfix - updating docker base image (#983) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 6e4d0c1: dockerfile:bugfix - updating dockerfiles docker base image (#989) (@nathanmartinszup)
- f860773: docs:fix - commit template message (#992) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 345c748: analyzer:bugfix - separate warnings from errors (#1013) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 29c7330: gitleaks:bugfix - updating formatter to gitleaks v8 (#1010) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 96fbcc8: sarif:bugfix - removing version prefix (#1019) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 8517c84: goreleaser:bugfix - adding release auto (#1027) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 748d681: utils/file:fix - missing {HORUSEC_CLI} prefix and typo on log debug (#1025) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- a0c13d2: docker:fix - missing image name on debug log (#1026) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- e8eb1ba: horusec:fix - Errors reported in v2.8.0-beta.1 (#1050) (@wiliansilvazup)
- df32c1c: analyzer:fix - Fixing details wrong (#1054) (@wiliansilvazup)
- f2c500d: yarnaudit:chore - improve tests and code cleaning (#910) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 0df35e4: analyzer:chore - split analyzer implementation into runner (#909) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- d3018a8: workflow/security:chore - updating security workflow to use latest rc (#911) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 802f0c4: formatters:chore - remove unused methods from IService (#912) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 04f682e: formatter:chore - replace strings.Replace to fmt.Sprintf (#914) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- d0f5f52: nancy:chore - remove logs when running without GITHUB_TOKEN env (#922) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- c43d93c: engine/java:chore - add CVE-2021-44832 detail to the description of the HS-JAVA-150 rule (#916) (@dearrudam)
- bfb07e6: workflows:chore - removing old release file to avoid confusion (#924) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 112e82e: bundler:chore - improve tests and code cleaning (#925) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 5d8b435: phpcs:chore - Update PHP_CodeSniffer to show severity and code (#935) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 3d9f22a: engine:chore - update to new engine (#923) (@iancardosozup)
- a175361: sonarqube:chore - merge entities/sonarqube with services/sonarqube pkg (#947) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- ae31579: git:chore - move CommitAuthor declaration to git pkg (#948) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 886da4c: makefile:chore - bump gci tool (#970) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 43c551d: swift:chore - Improvements Tests of all Swift Rules (#953) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6b630c1: kubernetes:chore - Improvements Tests of all Kubernetes Rules (#961) (@wiliansilvazup)
- aadaaed: enums:chore - remove unused enums/engine pkg (#979) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 9f7dd64: checkov:chore - removing pborman/ansi dependency (#975) (@iancardosozup)
- 6abcc37: engine/java:chore - updating log4j rule to avoid false positives (#980) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 8659ee7: formatters:chore - add missing RuleIDs (#967) (@anthturner)
- d7fcbe3: lint:chore - Fix lint, format and Horusec API tests (#1004) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 0bd4d4d: formatters:chore - normalize not found files warn message (#1023) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 649b267: formatters/ruby:chore - removing unnecessary error messages (#1024) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 763a796: custom_rules:chore - Refactored tests for custom_rules to table tests (#1049) (@Adam88morris)
- 013b22e: javascript::chore - Adding improvements on javascript rules (#1043) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 40d4191: csharp:chore - Improvements on safe and unsafe code in csharp (#1037) (@wiliansilvazup)
- cf7b1bf: dart:chore - Adding improvements on dart rules (#1038) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6a4dd93: k8s:chore - Adding improvements on k8s rules (#1039) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 841c343: leaks:chore - Adding improvements on leaks rules (#1040) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 229df8b: swift:chore - Adding improvements on swift rules (#1042) (@wiliansilvazup)
- c6f20fe: nginx:chore - Adding improvements on nginx rules (#1041) (@wiliansilvazup)
- f14f910: fix:semgrep - Disable collect metrics and fix log message (#968) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 0f24a9e: chore:workflow - Added new workflow to validate release workflows (#988) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 51a7006: docs: add issues section (#991) (@HenriqueZup)
- 2aa2c5b: release:build - Removing GPG and sign images from build.yaml (#1018) (@wiliansilvazup)
- ac6405a: scs: bugfix - att outdated chsharp sdk on horusec-engine-csharp (#1022) (@iancardosozup)
- cce34ce: This commit implements vulnerable and safe samples for the javascript rules. (#1051) (@lucasbrunozup)
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.8.0
Full Changelog: v2.7.1...v2.8.0
- f0df9f4: docker:feature - Validate Docker version from the Docker API (#965) (@luiguip)
- 522076a: cli:feat - add SARIF output support (#946) (@anthturner)
- df2e20c: hash:feature - new hash format and handle the future depreciations (#996) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 578e883: workflow:feat - Automating the release notes (#997) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6e052fb: java:feature - Add Rule for CVE-2022-21724 (#1033) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 2c11096: rules:feat - adding rule to spring framework rce (#1053) (@nathanmartinszup)
- a615329: docs:feat - Security Policies (#1052) (@lucasbrunozup)
Bug fixes
- 87673d1: engine/leaks:bugfix - improving leaks rule 26 (#972) (@nathanmartinszup)
- c4184c5: engines/jvm:fix - false positives on base64 encode/decode (#974) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 22acb2b: dockerfile:fix - update and upgrade packages (#977) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 0c1e691: commitAuthors:bugfix - fix when pass invalid line to SetCommitAuthors and changed formatters error handling approach (#978) (@iancardosozup)
- b6d92cd: dockerfiles:bugfix - adding no cache flag (#982) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 1b9673d: dockerfiles:bugfix - updating docker base image (#983) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 6e4d0c1: dockerfile:bugfix - updating dockerfiles docker base image (#989) (@nathanmartinszup)
- f860773: docs:fix - commit template message (#992) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 345c748: analyzer:bugfix - separate warnings from errors (#1013) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 29c7330: gitleaks:bugfix - updating formatter to gitleaks v8 (#1010) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 96fbcc8: sarif:bugfix - removing version prefix (#1019) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 8517c84: goreleaser:bugfix - adding release auto (#1027) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 748d681: utils/file:fix - missing {HORUSEC_CLI} prefix and typo on log debug (#1025) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- a0c13d2: docker:fix - missing image name on debug log (#1026) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- e8eb1ba: horusec:fix - Errors reported in v2.8.0-beta.1 (#1050) (@wiliansilvazup)
- df32c1c: analyzer:fix - Fixing details wrong (#1054) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 3d9f22a: engine:chore - update to new engine (#923) (@iancardosozup)
- a175361: sonarqube:chore - merge entities/sonarqube with services/sonarqube pkg (#947) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- ae31579: git:chore - move CommitAuthor declaration to git pkg (#948) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 886da4c: makefile:chore - bump gci tool (#970) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 43c551d: swift:chore - Improvements Tests of all Swift Rules (#953) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6b630c1: kubernetes:chore - Improvements Tests of all Kubernetes Rules (#961) (@wiliansilvazup)
- aadaaed: enums:chore - remove unused enums/engine pkg (#979) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 9f7dd64: checkov:chore - removing pborman/ansi dependency (#975) (@iancardosozup)
- 6abcc37: engine/java:chore - updating log4j rule to avoid false positives (#980) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 8659ee7: formatters:chore - add missing RuleIDs (#967) (@anthturner)
- d7fcbe3: lint:chore - Fix lint, format and Horusec API tests (#1004) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 0bd4d4d: formatters:chore - normalize not found files warn message (#1023) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 649b267: formatters/ruby:chore - removing unnecessary error messages (#1024) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 763a796: custom_rules:chore - Refactored tests for custom_rules to table tests (#1049) (@Adam88morris)
- 013b22e: javascript::chore - Adding improvements on javascript rules (#1043) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 40d4191: csharp:chore - Improvements on safe and unsafe code in csharp (#1037) (@wiliansilvazup)
- cf7b1bf: dart:chore - Adding improvements on dart rules (#1038) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6a4dd93: k8s:chore - Adding improvements on k8s rules (#1039) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 841c343: leaks:chore - Adding improvements on leaks rules (#1040) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 229df8b: swift:chore - Adding improvements on swift rules (#1042) (@wiliansilvazup)
- c6f20fe: nginx:chore - Adding improvements on nginx rules (#1041) (@wiliansilvazup)
- f14f910: fix:semgrep - Disable collect metrics and fix log message (#968) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 0f24a9e: chore:workflow - Added new workflow to validate release workflows (#988) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 51a7006: docs: add issues section (#991) (@HenriqueZup)
- 2aa2c5b: release:build - Removing GPG and sign images from build.yaml (#1018) (@wiliansilvazup)
- ac6405a: scs: bugfix - att outdated chsharp sdk on horusec-engine-csharp (#1022) (@iancardosozup)
- cce34ce: This commit implements vulnerable and safe samples for the javascript rules. (#1051) (@lucasbrunozup)
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.8.0-rc.1
Full Changelog: v2.7.0-rc.3...v2.8.0-rc.1
- 6e052fb: java:feature - Add Rule for CVE-2022-21724 (#1033) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 2c11096: rules:feat - adding rule to spring framework rce (#1053) (@nathanmartinszup)
- a615329: docs:feat - Security Policies (#1052) (@lucasbrunozup)
Bug fixes
- e8eb1ba: horusec:fix - Errors reported in v2.8.0-beta.1 (#1050) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 763a796: custom_rules:chore - Refactored tests for custom_rules to table tests (#1049) (@Adam88morris)
- 013b22e: javascript::chore - Adding improvements on javascript rules (#1043) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 40d4191: csharp:chore - Improvements on safe and unsafe code in csharp (#1037) (@wiliansilvazup)
- cf7b1bf: dart:chore - Adding improvements on dart rules (#1038) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6a4dd93: k8s:chore - Adding improvements on k8s rules (#1039) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 841c343: leaks:chore - Adding improvements on leaks rules (#1040) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 229df8b: swift:chore - Adding improvements on swift rules (#1042) (@wiliansilvazup)
- c6f20fe: nginx:chore - Adding improvements on nginx rules (#1041) (@wiliansilvazup)
- cce34ce: This commit implements vulnerable and safe samples for the javascript rules. (#1051) (@lucasbrunozup)
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.8.0-beta.2
Full Changelog: v2.8.0-beta.1...v2.8.0-beta.2
- f0df9f4: docker:feature - Validate Docker version from the Docker API (#965) (@luiguip)
- 522076a: cli:feat - add SARIF output support (#946) (@anthturner)
- df2e20c: hash:feature - new hash format and handle the future depreciations (#996) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 578e883: workflow:feat - Automating the release notes (#997) (@wiliansilvazup)
Bug fixes
- c4184c5: engines/jvm:fix - false positives on base64 encode/decode (#974) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- f860773: docs:fix - commit template message (#992) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 345c748: analyzer:bugfix - separate warnings from errors (#1013) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 29c7330: gitleaks:bugfix - updating formatter to gitleaks v8 (#1010) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 96fbcc8: sarif:bugfix - removing version prefix (#1019) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 8517c84: goreleaser:bugfix - adding release auto (#1027) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 748d681: utils/file:fix - missing {HORUSEC_CLI} prefix and typo on log debug (#1025) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- a0c13d2: docker:fix - missing image name on debug log (#1026) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 0df35e4: analyzer:chore - split analyzer implementation into runner (#909) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- d3018a8: workflow/security:chore - updating security workflow to use latest rc (#911) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 802f0c4: formatters:chore - remove unused methods from IService (#912) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 04f682e: formatter:chore - replace strings.Replace to fmt.Sprintf (#914) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- bfb07e6: workflows:chore - removing old release file to avoid confusion (#924) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 3d9f22a: engine:chore - update to new engine (#923) (@iancardosozup)
- a175361: sonarqube:chore - merge entities/sonarqube with services/sonarqube pkg (#947) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- ae31579: git:chore - move CommitAuthor declaration to git pkg (#948) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 886da4c: makefile:chore - bump gci tool (#970) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 43c551d: swift:chore - Improvements Tests of all Swift Rules (#953) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 6b630c1: kubernetes:chore - Improvements Tests of all Kubernetes Rules (#961) (@wiliansilvazup)
- aadaaed: enums:chore - remove unused enums/engine pkg (#979) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 8659ee7: formatters:chore - add missing RuleIDs (#967) (@anthturner)
- d7fcbe3: lint:chore - Fix lint, format and Horusec API tests (#1004) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 0bd4d4d: formatters:chore - normalize not found files warn message (#1023) (@matheusalcantarazup)
- 649b267: formatters/ruby:chore - removing unnecessary error messages (#1024) (@nathanmartinszup)
- 0f24a9e: chore:workflow - Added new workflow to validate release workflows (#988) (@wiliansilvazup)
- 51a7006: docs: add issues section (#991) (@HenriqueZup)
- 2aa2c5b: release:build - Removing GPG and sign images from build.yaml (#1018) (@wiliansilvazup)
- ac6405a: scs: bugfix - att outdated chsharp sdk on horusec-engine-csharp (#1022) (@iancardosozup)
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.8.0-beta.1
Full Changelog: v2.7.1...v2.8.0-beta.1
What's Changed
⚠️ If you are using the CLI docker image: Please update Horusec to version >= 2.7.1, where we fixed some issues related to a expat vulnerable dependency on the dind image which we use as a base to build the cli docker image.
- dockerfile:bugfix - updating dockerfiles docker base image by @nathanmartinszup in #989
- dockerfiles:bugfix - updating docker base image by @nathanmartinszup in #983
- dockerfiles:bugfix - adding no cache flag by @nathanmartinszup in #982
- commitAuthors:bugfix - fix when pass invalid line to SetCommitAuthors and changed formatters error handling approach by @iancardosozup in #978
- yarnaudit:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #910
- checkov:chore - removing pborman/ansi dependency by @iancardosozup in #975
- engine/java:chore - updating log4j rule to avoid false positives by @nathanmartinszup in #980
- dockerfile:fix - update and upgrade packages by @matheusalcantarazup in #977
- engine/leaks:bugfix - improving leaks rule 26 by @nathanmartinszup in #972
- fix:semgrep - Disable collect metrics and fix log message by @wiliansilvazup in #968
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.7.1
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.7
Full Changelog: v2.7.0...v2.7.1
What's Changed
- formatters/trivy:fix - find correct line of dependency by @ne0z in #882
- images:fix - upgrade Ruby Docker image by @matheusalcantarazup in #892
- brakeman:fix - search for Gemfile's before start analysis by @matheusalcantarazup in #877
- deps:chore - update module to v1.3.0 by @renovate-bot in #890
- deps:chore - update elixir Docker tag to v1.13.1 by @renovate-bot in #884
- deps:chore - update zricethezav/gitleaks Docker tag to v8.2.4 by @renovate-bot in #887
- language_detect:chore - remove redundant code by @matheusalcantarazup in #893
- dependency_check:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #895
- deps:chore - update module to v1.10.1 by @renovate-bot in #885
- deps:chore - update php Docker tag to v8.1.1 by @renovate-bot in #886
- deps:chore - update Node.js to v17.3.0 by @renovate-bot in #903
- deps:chore - update module to v1.12.1 by @renovate-bot in #889
- deps:chore - update module to v1.18.0 by @renovate-bot in #888
- docker:chore - rename SetData method of AnalysisData by @matheusalcantarazup in #896
- mixaudit:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #897
- sobelow:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #898
- trivy:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #899
- checkov:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #900
- tfsec:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #901
- npmaudit:chore - improve tests and code cleaning by @matheusalcantarazup in #902
- workflows:feature - add go mod tidy check by @iancardosozup in #904
- log4j:chore - update log4j min version to 2.17.1 by @iancardosozup in #907
- nancy:chore - Error not handled by Horusec in Nancy tool by @wiliansilvazup in #906
- bundler:fix - correctly parse output error by @matheusalcantarazup #921
- engine/java:chore - add CVE-2021-44832 detail to the description of the HS-JAVA-150 rule by @dearrudam #916
- nancy:chore - remove logs when running without GITHUB_TOKEN env by @matheusalcantarazup #922
- install/sh:bugfix - updating install sh to install latest if more recent by @nathanmartinszup #913
- phpcs:chore - Update PHP_CodeSniffer to show severity and code (#935) @wiliansilvazup
- formatters/tfsec:bugfix - vulnerabilities were being ignored due missing severity (#934) @nathanmartinszup
- engine/swift:bugfix - improving HS-SWIFT-24 rule to avoid false positives (#930) @nathanmartinszup
- trivy:bugfix - adding func to avoid hash changes in trivy formatter (#929) @nathanmartinszup
- formatters:fix - not show which tool generate the error (#932) @matheusalcantarazup
- bundler:chore - improve tests and code cleaning (#925) @matheusalcantarazup
Docker images
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.7.0
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2
docker pull horuszup/horusec-cli:v2.7
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.6.9...v2.7.0
What's Changed
- phpcs:chore - Update PHP_CodeSniffer to show severity and code (#935) @wiliansilvazup
- formatters/tfsec:bugfix - vulnerabilities were being ignored due missing severity (#934) @nathanmartinszup
- engine/swift:bugfix - improving HS-SWIFT-24 rule to avoid false positives (#930) @nathanmartinszup
- trivy:bugfix - adding func to avoid hash changes in trivy formatter (#929) @nathanmartinszup
- formatters:fix - not show which tool generate the error (#932) @matheusalcantarazup
- bundler:chore - improve tests and code cleaning (#925) @matheusalcantarazup
Full Changelog: v2.7.0-rc.2...v2.7.0-rc.3