Discord Auto Send Message Bot is a simple Python3 script designed to automate the sending of messages through your Discord account at regular intervals without the need for manual intervention.
- Computer with the following specification
Name | Minimum |
Operating System | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS |
CPU | 1 Cores |
RAM | 1 GB |
SSD | 25 GB |
- Python3
It is adviced to use a VPS. We use Digital Ocean with the following specifications
Singapore/ 1 Core/ 1 GB RAM/ 25 GB SSD
. If you need a VPS, we have a free link for a $200 DigitalOcean VPS credit. Enough to run the bot for full year. Register now with the main link / backup link to get it.
- Ease of Use: Set it up easily by filling out the configuration in the config.json file.
- Automation: The script continuously sends messages based on the specified time interval.
- Install Screen:
sudo apt-get install screen
- Download the repo
git clone https://github.com/nmluthfi/Discord-Auto-Send-Message-Bot && cd Discord-Auto-Send-Message-Bot
- Fill Out The Config:
- Open the config.json file
nano config.json
- Provide your Discord token,
and save the fileControl + X
- Create a Screen:
screen -Rd discord_auto_send_message
- Run the Script:
- Execute the command python3 main.py in your terminal.
- Access Discord Web:
- Open Discord in your web browser.
- Open Console:
- Right-click anywhere on the page and select 'Inspect' or press Ctrl + Shift + I to open the Developer Tools. Go to the 'Console' tab.
3.1. Run Command:
- Paste the following command in the console:
webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[""],{},req=>copy(Object.values(req.c).find(x => x?.exports?.default?.getToken).exports.default.getToken())])
4.1. Token Retrieval:
- Your Discord token should now be copied to your clipboard, ready to be pasted into the config.json file.
3.2. **Manually: **
- Navigate to the "Application" tab
- Within the Application tab, find the Storage section, and click the down arrow next to Local storage.
- Locate the Discord URL and click on it.
- In the Filter field, type token.
- Click the Toggle device toolbar button.
4.2. Token Retrieval: