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Zuzu-Typ edited this page Aug 4, 2020 · 8 revisions

Welcome to PyGLM's wiki page

The wiki is still pretty young and not at all complete.

I recommend starting at PyGLM Types.

Currently there is no reference for most of PyGLM's functions, so please refer to the Python help information.

>>> help(glm.identity)
Help on built-in function identity in module glm:

    identity(matrix_type) -> matrix
    Builds an identity matrix.

Feel free to browse through the other wiki pages.

Thank you for using PyGLM!


How to pass the matrices generated by PyGLM to OpenGL functions?

You will find an overview on the [Passing data to external libs] page.

Types and functions are not available after installing from the PyPI using pip install glm

Most likely you've installed glm, a JSON parser and not PyGLM (or a very early version of PyGLM).
The correct install command is:

pip install PyGLM

Why is <experimental extension name here> not supported?

I prefer not to add too many experimental extensions to PyGLM, especially as they might change or be removed in the future and it is simply too much effort for me to keep up with all that.
If you need a specific experimental extension, feel free to submit a feature request on the issue tracker.
I try adding them on a one-by-one basis.

Why are Python versions prior to 3.5 no longer supported?

Starting with version 0.5.0b1 I decided to use C++ to build PyGLM, using glm under the hood - which requires C++ 11 or upwards.
Only Python versions 3.5+ support C++ 11, thus I was forced to stop supporting older versions.
The last version to support Python 2 and <3.5 is 0.4.8b1.

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