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Mirador extension for MediaWiki

This is an extension to MediaWiki which implements a build of Mirador v3, including five plugins, for use in wikis. Mirador is a media viewer which lets you bring in, view, zoom in on, leaf through and compare IIIF resources from institutions and repositories all across the world. A parser function (#mirador) lets users configure and load an instance of Mirador.


For additional guidance using examples and live demos, see the CODECS website. An example of the extension in action can be viewed here.



Here is example of a straightforward setup with just the manifest and all of the options kept at their default values:

{{#mirador:manifest= }}


The parser function offers a select set of configuration options:

|manifest=A IIIF manifest URL is currently mandatory. This value is overridden by the URL query parameter 'manifest' if there happens to be one (see below).
|canvasid=The URI of the @id of the specific canvas you want to begin with, which defaults to that of the first canvas in the sequence. Its value is overridden by the URL query parameter 'canvas'. See below for one way of exposing the canvas id in a public link. This parameter does not currently work for additional canvas windows if you have any.
|valuesep=The separator to delimit values (manifest, catalogurls, restricttolabels, restricttocanvasids). Defaults to two carets (^^).
|catalogurls=Optionally, the manifest URLs for any additional IIIF resources you wish to make available for selection by users, without pre-loading them in the viewer. Users can access this list of resources by clicking the circular button (usually blue) in the top left corner. See also valuesep.
|restricttocanvasids=The ids of the canvases that should be presented. Use this if all you want to show in the Mirador viewer is a selection of one or multiple canvases. For each canvas, specify the `@id` or `id`. See also valuesep.
|restricttolabels=The labels of the canvases that should be presented. For each canvas, specify the `label`. See also valuesep.

<!-- Mirador options -->
|defaultview=single (default), book or gallery
|workspacetype=mosaic (default) or elastic
|windowsmaximized=true (default) or false. Whether or not canvas windows should appear in their maximized mode of presentation.
|thumbnavposition=off (default), far-bottom or far-right. Represents the position of thumbnail navigation.
|allowwindowclose=true (default), false. Whether the user should be allowed to close the canvas window.
|allowwindowfullscreen=true (default), false. Whether the top panel should include an option to launch full-screen mode.
|hidewindowtitle=true, false (default)
|highlightallannotations=true, false (default)
|allowtopmenubutton=true (default), false
|theme=light (default) or dark
|maincolor=Hex value only. Default: #1967d2

<!-- Plugin options -->
|imagetoolsenabled=true, false (default).
|imagetoolsopen=true, false (default). Whether the image tools should be open by default.
|canvaslinkenabled=true, false (default). Whether or not the Canvas Link plugin should be enabled.
|pageurl=The base page URL for use with the Canvas Link plugin if enabled. This must contain a `?` for allowing URL search parameters to be appended. See below.
|annotationsenabled=true, false (default). Whether or not the Annotations plugin should be enabled.

Share a link with a specific manifest and canvas

The CanvasLink plugin lets you share a link to your Mirador-using wiki page with the currently selected canvas. The share icon is found in the top right menu. When the shared link is followed, the relevant manifest and canvas appended to the URL will be automatically picked up by the viewer.

|pageurl=https:{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}? or {{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}}}?
(depending on your local settings)

It is entirely up to you whether the link should point to the current page (hence the use of {{FULLPAGENAME}} in this example), or perhaps to some other dedicated page with the Mirador viewer.

Jump to a new canvas

Use the parser function #mirador-change-canvas if you want to add a button that makes the viewer jump a specific canvas.

|class=btn btn-outline-dark btn-sm
|text=Show p. 8 in Mirador viewer
  • window = the id of the canvas window that should be updated. That of the first window is automatically named mirador-window-1 and any additional one you may have added is numbered consecutively (mirador-window-2, etc.).
  • canvas = the new canvas ID.
  • scroll = if set to true, this function will attempt to scroll Mirador into view.
  • xywh = the coordinates used for zooming in on the canvas.
  • text = button text
  • class = button class

Version history

  • 0.4 - Added Annotations plugin, with convenience features for working with localStorage (mirador-annot parser function). Added further configuration options and changed some defaults. Added restricttocanvasids. Introduced valuesep parameter (default: ^^). Added basic info to special page and made it accessible through AdminLinks extension.
  • 0.3 - Moved custom code out of Webpack. Added new params (windowsmaximized, restricttolabels, catalogurls). Added support for multiple manifests. Added parser function (mirador-change-canvas) for jumping to a new canvas and added js to let you fetch the current canvas ID.
  • 0.2 - Upgraded build. Added check for both loading and DOMContentLoad events to address occasional TypeError issue (e.g. rc is not defined). Fixed issue with spaces in URLs.
  • 0.1 - Beta release. Mirador 3.3.0, with four plugins: Image Tools (developed by the Mirador Project) and Image Cropper, CanvasLink and Text Overlay (developed by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek/Bavarian State Library).

Known limitations

  • You can use the parser function only once on a single page.