This repository has been replaced with SwiftShortcuts, and is archived for reference.
Subscription feed link or click here on your iPad with Swift Playgrounds 2 installed.
let batteryLevel = actionOutput()
let shortcut = buildShortcut(
comment("This Shortcut was generated in Swift.") +
getBatteryLevel().savingOutput(to: batteryLevel) +
ifLessThan(20, ifTrue: (
setLowPowerMode(true) +
showResult("Your battery is at \(batteryLevel)%, you might want to charge it.")
), ifFalse: (
showResult("Your battery is at \(batteryLevel)%, you're probably fine for now.")
let shortcut = buildShortcut(
comment("This Shortcut was generated in Swift.") +
ask(question: "WHAT 👏 DO 👏 YOU 👏 WANT 👏 TO 👏 SAY") +
changeCase(to: .uppercase) +
replaceText("[\\s]", replaceWith: " 👏 ", regularExpression: true) +
chooseFromMenu(items: [
("Share", share()),
("Copy to Clipboard", copyToClipboard()),
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
Please read the Contributions Guide and the Code of Conduct before getting started. You will need Xcode 10 or newer to build the project.
Alexsander Akers and Alexis Aubry
Shortcuts Swift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.