Outline Web Manager to view and add the access keys.
Uses the Access Keys Management API URL as input to access the server.
Uses the after installation output as input to access the server.
In order to utilize the Management API, you'll need to know the apiUrl for your Outline server. You can obtain this information from the "Settings" tab of the server page in the Outline Manager. Alternatively, you can check the 'access.txt' file under the '/opt/outline' directory of an Outline server. An example apiUrl is:
See Full API Documentation. The OpenAPI specification can be found at api.yml.
Start by storing the apiURL you see see in that file, as a variable. For example:
You can then perform the following operations on the server, remotely.
List access keys
curl --insecure $API_URL/access-keys/
Create an access key
curl --insecure -X POST $API_URL/access-keys
Get an access key (e.g. get access key 1)
curl --insecure $API_URL/access-keys/1
Rename an access key (e.g. rename access key 2 to 'albion')
curl --insecure -X PUT -F 'name=albion' $API_URL/access-keys/2/name
Remove an access key (e.g. remove access key 2)
curl --insecure -X DELETE $API_URL/access-keys/2
Set a data limit for all access keys (e.g. limit outbound data transfer access keys to 1MB over 30 days)
curl -v --insecure -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"limit": {"bytes": 1000}}' $API_URL/experimental/access-key-data-limit
Remove the access key data limit
curl -v --insecure -X DELETE $API_URL/experimental/access-key-data-limit