Pipeline description and scripts used in Mansonella perstans and Mansonella ozzardi genome project (Sinha et al. 2023)
- The scripts described here were run on a SGE / Grid Engine via qsub.
- All required software was installed using conda under various environments.
- Amit Sinha (New England Biolabs, Ipswich, MA, US)
- "Clumpify" : remove optical duplicates
- Removed bad tiles (e.g. in NextSeq data)
- Trim adapters
- Remove phiX sequences
- Remove stretches of poly-G (poly-C on read2) which are an artefact of NextSeq and similar platforms
- Remove reads from the human host
- Run FatsQC
- Assemble all nematode and potential Wolbachia contigs
- sh.01.metaspades.sh
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