MATLAB code for the graph matching algorithm [1] and the proximal alternating minimization algorithm [2] for the unlabeled sensing (ULS) problem. The algorithms are applied to the case when the unknown permutation is r-local. This code was written by Ahmed Ali Abbasi as part of a larger research project on ULS, and counts towards the partial fulfilment of research requirement for the PhD program at ECE department, Tufts University. The code was tested by Professor Abiy Tasissa and Professor Shuchin Aeron.
The code for benchmark algorithms is contained in the folder
. A brief description of the benchmarks and references to the original papers are given in [2]. -
To reproduce any of the results in [2], run the corerresponding file in the
folder. For example, to reproduce Figure 3(a), runmain_3a.m
. -
To reproduce MNIST results, i.e. the results in figure 4(b), table 1, download the file "train set" at the link MNIST and place it in folder
. -
For linux systems, replace ' \ ' in the main.m files in the
folder by ' / '. These replacements need to be made in line 2 and line 5.
Cropped Yale Dataset
: The dataset used for experiments inFigure 4(a)
andTable 1
is contained in the fileyale_compressed.mat
in thedatasets
folder. The variablefaces
of dimension 2414x96x84 contains 2414 images of dimension 96x84. 64 consecutive images are of the same face under different poses.MNIST
: The MNIST dataset used for the experiments inFigure 4(b)
andTable 1
is contained in the file "train set" at the link MNIST. The dataset comprises 60,000 images, each of which is represented as a 785-dimensional row vector in a matrix of dimension 60,000 x 785. Each row vector comprises the image label (1) and the image pixeIs (2:785). In order to reproduce the results in Figure 4(b) and Table 1, download the train set and place it in thedatasets
: inputs are r, n; returns an r-local permutation of size nxn with each block of size rxr.
: implments aternating linear program and least squares updates on variables X and P respectively.
: code for P update; the linear assignment problem is solved using the Hungarian algorithm.
: input cost matrix C; return permutation P such that P = arg min <C,P>.
[1]. Ahmed Ali Abbasi, Abiy Tasissa, and Shuchin Aeron. R-local unlabeled sensing: A novel graph matching approach for multiview unlabeled sensing under local permutations. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 2:309–317, 2021. URL
[2]. Ahmed Ali Abbasi, Abiy Tasissa, and Shuchin Aeron. r-local sensing: Improved algorithm and applications, 2021. URL
Please email any feedback to Ahmed Abbasi.