A command line interface application allowing users to track video game achievements
- Sign in and create an account to add games to your games list
- Track completion of each video game's achievements. Set an achievement as "Unlocked" once you've completed it.
Run the command pipenv install
then pipenv shell
to start the virtual environment. Move to the \lib directory and run the command python cli.py
to start the application.
- Contains the script for running the cli application.
- main() : The initial starting menu for the application, with options to sign in and exit.
- sign_in() : Users enter an email and password to sign in and enter the user menu. The email is checked to make sure it is valid.
- user_menu() : Once signed in, users gain access to a menu with the All Games and My Game List options
- show_game_list() : Shows the personal game list of user
- show_all_games() : Shows a list of games which user can add to their personal game list
- show_game_achievements() : Shows the achievement list for an individual game
- display_achievement_info() : Displays detailed achievement info, including a description and status.
- clear_terminal() and initialize_terminal_menu() : Helper methods
- Contains the model classes for the users, games, and achievements tables
- Contains the ASCII art for the title header of the start menu
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
ASCII header art from https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=ANSI%20Shadow&t=toy%20tracker
Database seed data generated by ChatGPT