The execution looks like this:
foo@bar:~$ python3
-----------------------EM Run 1-----------------------
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 200 in 5126 steps
Potential Energy = 6.1504507e+03
Maximum force = 1.8860858e+02 on atom 5817
Norm of force = 7.0307388e+00
-----------------------EM Run 2-----------------------
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 200 in 7 steps
Potential Energy = 6.1888301e+03
Maximum force = 1.9466061e+02 on atom 5817
Norm of force = 3.0374401e+01
-----------------------EM Run 3-----------------------
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 200 in 7 steps
Potential Energy = 6.1892344e+03
Maximum force = 1.9481195e+02 on atom 5817
Norm of force = 3.0381862e+01
-----------------------EM Run 4-----------------------
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 200 in 7 steps
Potential Energy = 6.1892192e+03
Maximum force = 1.9481198e+02 on atom 5817
Norm of force = 3.0381814e+01
-----------------------EM Run 5-----------------------
Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 200 in 7 steps
Potential Energy = 6.1892192e+03
Maximum force = 1.9481198e+02 on atom 5817
Norm of force = 3.0381814e+01