This HOF allows you to easily style Hyperapp views/components by adding styles / a scoped stylesheet that applies to that view only and its descendants.
Basically it allows to use scoped css styling like Angular or Vue does by adding a scoped stylesheet
install npm install hyperapp-scoped-stylesheet --save
- Import the library
import { stylesheet } from "hyperapp-scoped-stylesheet"
- Define a string with raw CSS content
const style = `
span {
font-size: 20px;
color: lightblue;
The library consists of a single function that wraps a Hyperapp view/component function, the first parameter is the raw CSS string and the second one is the JSX function defining the Vnodes. The signature is:
stylesheet(style, props => <span>something</span> ...)
- Wrap your Hyperapp view/component function as the second parameter (the first one is the raw content string), an example:
const style = `
.test-style {
color: #8651bb;
font-weight: bold;
p {
text-align: center;
//First argument is the style string, second is the component function
const ScopeStyled = stylesheet(style, () => (
<div class="test-style"> This is scope-styled yay! </div>
<p> And this as well </p>
const view = () => (
<ScopeStyled />
The function supports all CSS features defined here: This project has been inspired by: