[__ (9/27/2023) Learning SDL2 with modern C++__] Eventually I will come back to OpenGL after learning a decent amount of SDL.
[__ (3/17/2022) Progress on PAUSE, as I continue to learn more openGL. __]
-added Collision detection to game objects in level.
-added Uniform Buffer Object for projection matrix that is constant across sprite and instance shaders. Added front face culling (CW) for less shader invokes. Added Game_object.h, an extension of Entity.h. (The OO design of classes is likely to change...)
-added drawLevel(with instanced drawing).
-added drawFPS, drawTimer, drawCrosshair, and removed/fixed Gen & Bind buffer: only one vbo is used, and it is updated with new coordinates. Removed EnableVAP, and VAP for vbo(redundant).
-added drawPlayer, a sprite animation of a player moving from keyboard input
-added player.h,.cpp, renamed files, and changed class structures
-added time.h,.cpp, added drawText to sprite renderer
-added object.h,.cpp for game objects, and drawObject with animated frames in sprite renderer
engine has: resource manager: (shaders, textures, game objects), and sprite renderer
(this is a non-animated screenshot of an early version of the engine. Yes, you can move the character around, and it is correctly animated to show movements in the direction you go in).