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Kubernetes controller to create DNS records and zones in Technitium DNS running in Kubernetes

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Technitium DNS Kube Controller

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Kubernetes controller to manage DNS records and zones in Technitium DNS running in Kubernetes via native Kubernetes ConfigMap resources


  • Minikube
  • Docker
  • Poetry
  • Python 3.11 or greater


poetry install

Install project dependencies using Poetry

minikube start --driver=docker

This will put a kubernetes config under ~/.kube/config allowing you connect to this instance using your client of choice like kubectl or lens

docker-compose up

Will spin up a local instance of Technitium DNS allowing you to create, update and delete records and zones on this instance

kopf -m technitium_dns_kube_controller

Runs the operator, kopf automatically connects and authenticates with the minikube instance.

Create a ConfigMap resource in Kubernetes with the annotation technitium-dns-entry/v1: "true" and the operator will validate the data and CRUD the resource in the technitium DNS instance

Environment Variable Arguments

These can be added at runtime as environment variables to the operator to configure its behaviour. If these are not specified, the defaults will be chosen

Environment Variable Name Default Value Description
USERNAME admin (same as Technitium DNS default admin) Username to access the Technitium DNS API
PASSWORD admin (same as Technitium DNS default admin) Password to access the Technitium DNS API
DNS_ENDPOINT http://localhost:5380 The URL to access Technitium DNS server at. If running this operator as a sidecar to Technitium DNS, this doesnt need to be changed
NAMESPACE default The Kubenetes namespace to monitor new ConfigMap DNS records
EXTRA_ARGS "" Extra args to the kopf command. e.g. --verbose --debug

Deploying to Kubernetes with Helm

Example Helm chart provided at chart/.

It installs this controller as a sidecar to the Technitium DNS server in the same pod. A service account with the relevant roles and permissions to access and view ConfigMap resources is also configured alongside to ensure the controller has all the credentials it needs to access Kubernetes API

Example ConfigMap DNS Entry

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: dns-entry-new
    technitium-dns-entry/v1: "true"
  record_name: "*" # wildcard to match all subdomains
  record_value: ""

Note: Ensure the annotation technitium-dns-entry/v1 is set for this ConfigMap gets picked up by the controller

Roadmap of features/future improvements

  • Delete zone if no records exist for it
  • Prometheus metrics endpoint to expose metrics from Technitium DNS
  • Health check endpoint (will include health of access to Technitium instance)
  • More formal documentation site
  • Real tests ? 😅