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File metadata and controls

138 lines (98 loc) · 6.11 KB

Excel Writer

This project is a good starting point for anybody wanting to generate an MS Excel containing headers and tabular data. Base implementation of writers use Apache POI.

Use it!

There are three basic intefaces ExcelFileWriter, HeaderWriter and SheetDataWriter


This is the base writer interface and contains the below methods

// Contains all the excel writing logic. Any Java class using this writer 
// should invoke this method to start the writing process
public void write(WriteConfig writeConfig) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException 

// Release all the resources a writer holds
public void close()


GenericFileWriter implements ExcelFileWriter interface and provides an implementation of the write(...) method which delegates writing to implementations of HeaderWriter and SheetDataWriter


Stores all the configurations for the writer and acts as a tranfer object to pass data between the header and content writer. Data is stored as a key value pair. It contains some basic keys required for the GenericFileWriter implementation

//key to store the absolute path to the location where the generated
MS Excel file is written in the WriteConfig.Required.
public static final String CONFIG_OUTPUT_FILE_LOCATION

// key to store the name of the generated MS Excel file. Required.
public static final String CONFIG_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME

// key to retrieve the current Sheet being written to
public static final String CONFIG_CURRENT_SHEET

// key to retrieve the current workbook to which sheets are being added. Value set by GenericFileWriter
public static final String CONFIG_WORKBOOK

// key to retrieve the RowCellCounter instance. Value set by GenericFileWriter
public static final String CONFIG_CURRENT_ROW_CELL_COUNTER


Represents a component that is responsible for writing the header information

// invoked during writer initialization stage. 
// implement this method and use writeConfig for custom init logic like creating excel styles,font instances
void init(WriteConfig writeConfig)

// should contain logic to write header data
void write(WriteConfig writeConfig)

 // Should contain resource cleanup logic
void close()


Represents a component that is responsible for writing data values after the header

// invoked during writer initialization stage. 
// implement this method and use writeConfig for custom init logic like creating excel styles,font instances
void init(WriteConfig writerContext);

// Used by the GenericFileWriter to decide how many sheets are to be created. 
int totalSheetsToWrite();
// Should contain logic to be executed before file writing starts 
void beforeFileWritingStart();
// Should contains logic to be executed before writing of a sheet starts
void beforeSheetWritingStart();
// Should contain logic to write data below headers. 
void writeSheetData(WriteConfig writeConfig);

// Should contain logic to be invoked every time writing of a sheet completes
void afterSheetWritingEnd();

// Shold contain logic to be invoked after file writing ends
void afterFileWritingEnd();
 // Should contain resource cleanup logic
void close();


Apache POI requires integer row number and cell number values while creating and accessing new cells in a Excel Sheet.Maintaining local counters for keeping track of current row and cell can be a headache.Code sprinkled with conditional counter++ can be difficult to debug. RowCellCounter class helps you avoid all that. It wraps current cell and row number generation.GenericFileWriter creates an instance of RowCellCounter and sets it in WriteConfig under CONFIG_CURRENT_ROW_CELL_COUNTER key. The class contains following methods:

// Returns next value of the row number counter. 
public int nextRowNum()

// Returns next value for cell number counter.
public int nextCellNum()

//Resets internal counters to zero
public void reset();

Sample use

TestHeaderWriter headerWriter = new TestHeaderWriter();
TestDataWriter dataWriter = new TestDataWriter();
GenericFileWriter genericFileWriter = new GenericFileWriter(headerWriter,dataWriter);
WriteConfig config = new WriteConfig();


  • JAVA 1.6 or higher
  • Eclipse IDE with Maven(M2E plugin)

Installing & Running

  • Import the project to your Eclipse IDE
  • Do clean build
  • Add a server(Tomcat/others) & add the application to it.
  • Run the server.

Running the tests

Execute the JUnit test cases in com/ekam/utilities/excelwriter/impl/ It generates a sample Excel containing basic data about airports (Many thanks to jbrooksuk/JSON-Airports) at D:\ExcelWriter location. Kindly change output path to your desired location at config.put(WriteConfig.CONFIG_OUTPUT_FILE_LOCATION, "D:\\ExcelWriter");

Sample Excel

Built With

  • Apache POI - Library to write the file in MS Excel format
  • Maven - Dependency Management
