- For notebooks and OpenViSUS scene files, see Notebooks and scene files and the notebooks directory.
- For scripts that perform data conversion to idx2 format, see the conversion_scripts.
- For data descriptions and locations, see Data description.
- For data conversion instructions, see Data conversion.
- For running Jupyter notebooks, see Jupyter notebooks.
- For transferring data out of NAS, see Data transfer.
- For written reports and presentations, see Reports and presentations and the reports directory.
- Four references and resources, see the resources directory.
- For how to use idx2's C++ API to query data, see idx2-test directory (NOTE: not quite complete).
We also have a shared repo here with assorted files https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Mr02sATa68QzNkUJpnFatnd3hBn140yV?usp=share_link