An implementation for tree building algorithm TREPAN as described in "Extracting tree-structured representations of trained networks" : Craven,Shavlik 1993.
TREPAN extracts a decision tree from a neural network using a sampling method.
- Support discrete (including categorical) features.
- Support m-of-n splits at nodes.
- Implement hill climbing algorithm to find best m-of-n constraint given a single C4.5 constraint as seed.
- Currently uses a C4.5 constraint. (Quinlan,1993)
- Stopping criterion is only num_nodes < MAX_NODES . Other criterion described in the paper (TODO:Description) is unimplemented.
- Replicate/get close to results on at least one dataset
To run, first install the required Python 3 modules
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, run
does the following things
- Trains a simple 2-hidden-layer neural network on the Landsat dataset
- Builds a TREPAN tree to imitiate mentioned NN
- Calculates the 'fidelity' of the TREPAN tree compared to the NN, on the test data set.