Nim client package for Botway.
nimble install botnim
this is an example of botway discord nim template
import dimscord, asyncdispatch, strutils, options
import botway
let discord = newDiscordClient(GetToken())
proc messageCreate(s: Shard, m: Message) {.event(discord).} =
let args = m.content.split(" ")
if or not args[0].startsWith("/"): return
let command = args[0][1..args[0].high]
case command.toLowerAscii():
of "test":
discard await discord.api.sendMessage(m.channel_id, "Success!")
of "facepalm":
discard await discord.api.sendMessage(m.channel_id, "smh",
files = @[DiscordFile(
name: "assets/facepalm.png"
of "help":
discard await discord.api.sendMessage(
"`test, echo, facepalm` are the commands."
of "echo":
var text = args[1..args.high].join(" ")
if text == "":
text = "Empty text."
discard await discord.api.sendMessage(m.channel_id, text)
proc onReady(s: Shard, r: Ready) {.event(discord).} =
echo "Ready as: " & $r.user
await s.updateStatus(activity = some ActivityStatus(
name: "around.",
kind: atPlaying
), status = "idle")
proc messageDelete(s: Shard, m: Message, exists: bool) {.event(discord).} =
echo "A wild message has been deleted!"
waitFor discord.startSession(
gateway_intents = {giGuildMessages, giGuilds, giGuildMembers}