after creating a new swift botway project, you need to use your tokens to connect with your bot.
import Foundation
import TelegramBotSDK
let bot = TelegramBot(token: GetToken())
let router = Router(bot: bot)
router["greet"] = { context in
guard let from = context.message?.from else { return false }
context.respondAsync("Hello, \(from.firstName)!")
return true
router[.newChatMembers] = { context in
guard let users = context.message?.newChatMembers else { return false }
for user in users {
guard != else { continue }
context.respondAsync("Welcome, \(user.firstName)!")
return true
while let update = bot.nextUpdateSync() {
try router.process(update: update)
fatalError("Server stopped due to error: \(bot.lastError)")